XF 1.3 Editor not loading in Safari (every other browser ok)


Hi there,

Thanks for great help with earlier questions.

This one has been a problem in my forum for some time. The post editor does not seem to load in the Safari browser... well, it seems to load some time, but not always. Users tell me that if they refresh 4-5 times it loads.

When it does not load here is what it looks like:

Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 9.03.55 PM.webp

...clicking "Post Reply" gives me this error:

Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 9.04.10 PM.webp
Ideas? Could it be plugins?
Screen Shot 2014-05-04 at 9.08.02 PM.webp

Thanks for any help/tips that you might be able to give.

All other browsers seem to be fine.. :-(

The first step would be to disable all add-ons and test again.

If there was a general problem with the Safari browser I'm sure many people would have posted about it here.
I have disabled all add-ons and still the same problem. I also did some test without my template edits, in case this had anything to do with it, but no luck. I don't think is is a style issue since I have the same problem using the other two styles I have active on my forum (premium members only). These styles does not have any template edits at all.

For me (using Safari) the editor loads usually the first 5-6 threads I open, then from then on it stops loading. It looks to be the last thing to load on the page... I wonder if there is a way for me to make the editor "lighter" by removing some of the buttons. Most of them are never used anyway..

Does Safari have a special way of loading JavaScript? ...or a setting related to this?
Any other ideas?

@Ivar have you ever had this issue on this site? If so then it could be a Safari bug. If not then it could still be an issue with an add-on. I could be completely wrong but the first one I'd look at is Tapatalk.
I did uninstall TapaTalk, but no luck.

When Safari does not load the editor, I can see it in the source code:

<script type="text/psajs" orig_index="18">if(typeof RELANG==='undefined')
{var RELANG={};}
RELANG.xf={image:"Image",link:"Link",link_insert:"Link",unlink:"Unlink",quote:"Quote",code:"Code",bold:"Bold (Ctrl+B)",italic:"Italic (Ctrl+I)",fontcolor:"Text Color",unorderedlist:"Unordered List",orderedlist:"Ordered List",outdent:"Outdent",indent:"Indent",none:"None",align_left:"Align Left",align_center:"Align Center",align_right:"Align Right",deleted:"Strike-through",underline:"Underline (Ctrl+U)",alignment:"Alignment",undo:"Undo (Ctrl+Z)",redo:"Redo (Ctrl+Y)",spoiler:"Spoiler",insert:"Insert...",remove_formatting:"Remove Formatting",font_size:"Font Size",font_family:"Font Family",smilies:"Smilies",media:"Media",drafts:"Drafts",save_draft:"Save Draft",delete_draft:"Delete Draft",draft_saved:"Draft saved",draft_deleted:"Draft deleted",switch_mode_bb:"Use BB Code Editor",switch_mode_rich:"Use Rich Text Editor",reply_placeholder:"Write your reply...",drop_files_here_to_upload:"Drop files here to upload",uploads_are_not_available:"Uploads are not available."};</script>


...but in the "Error Console" it gives me these errors:

[Error] TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'b.split')
    (anonymous function) (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)
    each (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    localize (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)
    DatePicker (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)
    create (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)
    (anonymous function) (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)
    each (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    each (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    (anonymous function) (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)
    dispatch (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    handle (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    trigger (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    trigger (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)
    (anonymous function) (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    each (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    each (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    trigger (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    activate (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)
    init (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)
    (anonymous function) (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)
    j (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    add (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    ready (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    init (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    init (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)
    n (jquery-1.11.0.min.js.pagespeed.jm.VDIv7VBTRR.js, line 1)
    (anonymous function) (xenforo.js,q_v=716807a2.pagespeed.jm.4gLYlQbt2I.js, line 1)

Could this be related?

Possibly this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.<redacted>/community/mobiquo/smartbanner/appbanner.js.pagespeed.jm.omzbE0nTls.js"></script>
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