Third party Avatar thumbnails often not loading in the alert drop down


Well-known member
Affected version
I've noticed this many times on both my site and the official XF site, on the alert dropdown the avatars will frequently not load.


This is on Chrome with the latest OSX.
Do you have a gravitar? Because it applied to your avatar before this page loaded after clicking the alert link.

You avatar was empty, it is no longer.
Maybe, but then you have the inevitable problem of when you change them at Gravatar and they don't update here.

It's actually a fairly rare issue. It happens every so often, but it's not usually a long term thing.
Just commenting here as the issue hasn't seem to have gone away for me. I'm still regularly seeing blank avatars. I don't know if this is a recent gravatar ongoing issue or an XF2 only issue.

It seems quite inconsistent for me too. For example, after I posted my last post, the blank avatars in the screenshot began appearing every time I checked my alerts.

Now they're not again. This is in Chrome.
It can only be Gravatar. We literally load the images directly from their URL. There's no XF2 code involved in loading the Gravatar images.
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