Is there a CMS planned?

I opened up a forum a while ago. It was quite simple and knew it would not cater to everyone in my target audience. That was on purpose because I was not prepared for an onslaught of members to show up all at once.

At a steady pace more and more members joined and systems were added over time to handle larger traffic. Things like moderators that I trusted and were trained, more suitable hosting account, and even fine tuning sites rules & subforums. All of that took a bit of time.
...what would happen if disappointed vB customers (who hoped to got a good vBCMS) saw that XenForo ltd. released a CMS solution that actually offers what they need, all provided in XenForo's quality? I bet hordes of customers will jump the sinking vB ship...
I would. In a second!
Thus far they said you can only group quotes that appear on a single page, but they're planning on fixing that so you can make multiple quotes from multiple pages (wow! coming soon also in vBulletin 7.0 Gold due out in Feb of 2011!)
[/rant] Just click the Reply link for EACH of the posts you want to reply to at once.
As you click each one, that quote will populate the reply box at the bottom of that page, nested in the proper quote codes.
You can enter your reply to that one first if you want, but don't click Post Reply just yet.
click on the NEXT post you want to reply to, and it appears in that reply box below what you've already quoted and replied to - but have not yet posted.
When you've quoted and replied to all on the page that you want to, click Post Reply,
and Wa Lah!!! ;)
Thus far they said you can only group quotes that appear on a single page,

Technically you can quote multiple pages also, just click the reply on each post on page 1... then copy the contents of the text box, go to page 2... paste the contents then click the reply links on that page... it will quote multiple pages... it is not the easiest way of doing things but it is still quicker than making a post for every reply and also much nicer on the community :)
Technically you can quote multiple pages also, just click the reply on each post on page 1... then copy the contents of the text box, go to page 2... paste the contents then click the reply links on that page... it will quote multiple pages... it is not the easiest way of doing things but it is still quicker than making a post for every reply and also much nicer on the community :)
DOH! But of COURSE! Thank you!!!
If they appear to be 3 different websites you're doing something wrong.
Well maybe it's I, maybe not... My users don't want to have to go through 3 registrations to get the functionality that by rights should be integrated.
But you and I can continue to rationalize our respective positions til the cows come home.
If you've got the skills or the staff to patch 3 different sites together and make them look like one, with a single login, more power to ya!
I'd like to pay a >competent, credible< company's license fee to provide a >functional< and contemporary integrated solution.
I hope that at least XF + 3rd party XF coders' community will provide such an integrated solution as soon as they can.
Well maybe it's I, maybe not... My users don't want to have to go through 3 registrations to get the functionality that by rights should be integrated.
But you and I can continue to rationalize our respective positions til the cows come home.
If you've got the skills or the staff to patch 3 different sites together and make them look like one, with a single login, more power to ya!
I'd like to pay a >competent, credible< company's license fee to provide a >functional< and contemporary integrated solution.
I hope that at least XF + 3rd party XF coders' community will provide such an integrated solution as soon as they can.
Yeah, getting an integrated login system to work well is more difficult. I thought you were simply referring to the style and look of each piece of software, which you should be able to customize quite easily to make them all look like part of the same website and application. The trouble is then syncing the account information, as you mentioned. :)
I think Kier is right in ensuring the forum is the priority at the moment. Instead of investing time in a CMS/blog, getting the forum fully fledged is far better than having multiple half baked products.

What I do recommend though is producing bridges to other blogs/cms software to cover users for the time being. Possibly this could be a community project and monitored by Xen instead of using up Xen developers valuable time?
I think Kier is right in ensuring the forum is the priority at the moment. Instead of investing time in a CMS/blog, getting the forum fully fledged is far better than having multiple half baked products.
I totally agree that a triple f is the first priority... that said, I'd still like to see that fff then well-integrated with a K & M* built blog and cms.
*...or someone with reasonably comparable skills and commitment

What I do recommend though is producing bridges to other blogs/cms software to cover users for the time being. Possibly this could be a community project and monitored by Xen instead of using up Xen developers valuable time?
I support that suggestion 100%!!! Let's get ON with it! (Please?)
Theyve said repeatedly the first arrival is going to be the forums only.
But as that looks like it'll be September or early October I expect the CMS will be here within a month or two after that.
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