XF 1.5 Import Redirection not working


Active member
I just moved from vB 4 to XF 1.5. I installed this:

Via the instructions:
Standard, Basic or Advanced URLs:
  1. Upload contents of standard-basic-advanced/upload folder to your forum root.
URLs still didn't work so I pointed the 303config.php to my log:
define('IMPORT_LOG_TABLE', 'archived_import_log');

And still it doesn't work.

When I go to a URL for example:
link to category page

It comes up with:
The requested forum could not be found.

Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks!
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Those aren't "official" redirect scripts, so we can't provide 100% support, though the same thing applies to the 3.x scripts that we provide: categories don't redirect as expected. The redirects cover forums only. If you need to redirect categories, you'll need to do that with specific rules.
Those aren't "official" redirect scripts, so we can't provide 100% support, though the same thing applies to the 3.x scripts that we provide: categories don't redirect as expected. The redirects cover forums only. If you need to redirect categories, you'll need to do that with specific rules.
Ah, that makes a lot more sense. It does appear threads are redirecting properly.

Now I'm trying to enable Friendly URLs, and when I do, domain.com/forum doesn't load right away. There is a .htaccess and this is what is in it. Do I need to modify it some more? Thanks.:
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /forum
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*) https://www.domain.com/forum/$1 [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.domain.com/forum/$1 [R=permanent,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(styleid=(.*))$ showthread.php?&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(showthread\.php)$ showthread.php?&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-new.html showthread.php?t=$3&goto=newpost&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-last.html showthread.php?t=$3&goto=lastpost&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-print.html/(.*)$ printthread.php?t=$3&%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-print.html printthread.php?t=$3&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-nextnewest.html showthread.php?t=$3&goto=nextnewest&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-nextoldest.html showthread.php?t=$3&goto=nextoldest&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^p-(.*)-post(.*)/postcount(.*).html showpost.php?p=$2&postcount=$3&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-page(.*).html showthread.php?t=$3&page=$4&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)/page(.*).html showthread.php?t=$3&page=$4&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*).html/(.*)$ showthread.php?t=$3&%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*).html showthread.php?t=$3&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^f-(.*)-(.*)/misc\.php$ misc.php?&%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^members/(.*)-(.*).html member.php?u=$2&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^u-(.*)-(.*).html(.*) member.php?u=$2&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING}$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^u-(.*)-(.*).html member.php?u=$2&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^f-(.*)-(.*)/page(.*).html/(.*)$ forumdisplay.php?f=$2&&page=$3%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^f-(.*)-(.*)/(.*)$ forumdisplay.php?f=$2&&%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^f-(.*)-(.*)/$ forumdisplay.php?f=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^search-(.*).html$ search.php?do=$1 [L]
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That's not a XenForo .htaccess -- it looks like a custom one. It sounds like the XF one wasn't uploaded. You can see the original content in htaccess.txt and rename that to .htaccess, though I'd recommend backup what you have here (though that does appear to be related to your vB install).
That's not a XenForo .htaccess -- it looks like a custom one. It sounds like the XF one wasn't uploaded. You can see the original content in htaccess.txt and rename that to .htaccess, though I'd recommend backup what you have here (though that does appear to be related to your vB install).
I've modified my htaccess to this below. Friendly URLs seem to be working now. However, the forum home goes to https://www.domain.com/forum/forums/, instead I want the forum home to be https://www.domain.com/forum/. How do I do this?
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
#RewriteBase /forum
#RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
#RewriteRule ^(.*) https://www.domain.com/forum/$1 [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.domain.com/forum/$1 [R=permanent,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(styleid=(.*))$ showthread.php?&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/(showthread\.php)$ showthread.php?&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-new.html showthread.php?t=$3&goto=newpost&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-last.html showthread.php?t=$3&goto=lastpost&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-print.html/(.*)$ printthread.php?t=$3&%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-print.html printthread.php?t=$3&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-nextnewest.html showthread.php?t=$3&goto=nextnewest&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-nextoldest.html showthread.php?t=$3&goto=nextoldest&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^p-(.*)-post(.*)/postcount(.*).html showpost.php?p=$2&postcount=$3&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)-page(.*).html showthread.php?t=$3&page=$4&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*)/page(.*).html showthread.php?t=$3&page=$4&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*).html/(.*)$ showthread.php?t=$3&%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/t-(.*)-(.*).html showthread.php?t=$3&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^f-(.*)-(.*)/misc\.php$ misc.php?&%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^members/(.*)-(.*).html member.php?u=$2&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^u-(.*)-(.*).html(.*) member.php?u=$2&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING}$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^u-(.*)-(.*).html member.php?u=$2&is_vrewrite=yes&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
RewriteRule ^f-(.*)-(.*)/page(.*).html/(.*)$ forumdisplay.php?f=$2&&page=$3%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^f-(.*)-(.*)/(.*)$ forumdisplay.php?f=$2&&%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^f-(.*)-(.*)/$ forumdisplay.php?f=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}&is_vrewrite=yes [L]
RewriteRule ^search-(.*).html$ search.php?do=$1 [L]

#    Mod_security can interfere with uploading of content such as attachments. If you
#    cannot attach files, remove the "#" from the lines below.
#<IfModule mod_security.c>
#    SecFilterEngine Off
#    SecFilterScanPOST Off

ErrorDocument 401 default
ErrorDocument 403 default
ErrorDocument 404 default
ErrorDocument 500 default

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On

    #    If you are having problems with the rewrite rules, remove the "#" from the
    #    line that begins "RewriteBase" below. You will also have to change the path
    #    of the rewrite to reflect the path to your XenForo installation.
    #RewriteBase /xenforo

    #    This line may be needed to enable WebDAV editing with PHP as a CGI.
    #RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
    RewriteRule ^(data/|js/|styles/|install/|favicon\.ico|crossdomain\.xml|robots\.txt) - [NC,L]
    RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]
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What do you have the Index Page Route set to in the options?

If it is set to forums/ then that should be removed from the URL when viewing the forum index.
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