Partial fix Import of Resources Including Discussion Threads

Movie Prop Sites

Active member
Affected version
This is a bit of a tricky one.

I am closing down one of my 2.1 sites and importing the resources into another of my 2.1 sites.

We have Discussion Threads turned on so a thread is generated when a new resource is created. Impressively, those links were maintained in the import. However, the first post in the Discussion Thread is automated and quotes the Description field of the resource.

In quotes, images become links to those images.

Because we are importing into a site that already has data we aren't retaining IDs. What we are now seeing is any link in the discussion pointing back to an image is now showing the wrong image (because the image IDs have changed).

Now that I am thinking about that... wouldn't that be the case for ALL quotes across the imported data? Any quote or any link that points to an image from the old site will now be broken?
Now that I am thinking about that... wouldn't that be the case for ALL quotes across the imported data? Any quote or any link that points to an image from the old site will now be broken?

Only attachments within the attach bb codes will be handled correctly.

Hard coded links/URLs are not changed/updated when importing.

Only attachments within the attach bb codes will be handled correctly.

Hard coded links/URLs are not changed/updated when importing.

Understood, although that seems to create a permanent issue with importing one xenforo site into another as images in quotes will always be broken, correct?
Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XFRM release (2.1.5).

Change log:
Attempt to update the first post of a resource discussion thread with the correct ATTACH tag attachment IDs.
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
This is actually something that needs to change in the XFRM importer itself rather than being related to XF or the Importers add-on.

We have implemented a fairly rudimentary fix that only attempts to fix the [ATTACH] tags within the first post of a resource's associated discussion thread.

Further automated posts that happen when updates are released aren't fixed, but I think it's fair to say at least that the first post of a resource discussion is probably the most important in that regard and potentially the most likely to contain significant imagery.

We've had a further discussion about ATTACH tags within post content generally (typically in quotes) but that would be a longer term change if we decide to take it on at some point.
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