How xenforo solves this?


New member
I’ve been a part of several gaming forums, each using different forum software. However, I've noticed some users manipulating the system by creating fake accounts to like their own content and boost their scores, which is unfair to others.

I’m planning to start my own gaming forum and would like to know how I can prevent this issue. Is there any add-on available for XenForo that can detect suspicious activity, such as when a user exceeds a certain limit for liking content? I’d prefer an automated solution, as manually checking all users would be too time-consuming.

I’m considering purchasing XenForo if it offers this feature or add-on.
but what if they create multiple account with diff ips, how can i check that?

as well as i cant setup a parameter for new users likes? ( if they like more then 5 posts a day i will get an alert)
but what if they create multiple account with diff ips, how can i check that?

as well as i cant setup a parameter for new users likes? ( if they like more then 5 posts a day i will get an alert)
The solution I linked you to takes care of the different IP situation.

I don't know about the 2nd one, that's not something I've ever looked at and I don't think XF has a default tool for monitoring.
However, you can disable reactions ("likes") for new members. You can set parameters so that they get promoted to group authorized to give likes based on a number of factors... number of posts, account age, or a host of other variables. The point though, you block new members from giving likes by default and grant the ability after they have passed a milestone that you create. (This is done through Xenforo's promotion system and group permissions)
Just a perspective from someone running forums for years...

Worrying about content scores being manipulated by some users will be about the 584th thing you're going to worry about when starting/running a forum. You will be busy dealing with a lot of important things when running a forum, and user content score manipulation will not be anywhere near the top.

When starting a forum you'll just be happy people are signing up, posting and liking. Some people like a lot, some people never like. Some people may try to create multiple accounts, there are ways to crack down on this but not stop it. Some people will have more forum "friends" than others and will in turn see more likes on their posts.

What may appear to be a fake account may not be, and even if it is, does a fake like from a fake account really matter? Fake posts can become an issue because they are usually intended to cause site drama for one reason or another. A fake like on the other hand, as a site admin, will not be something you lose sleep over, nor should your users.

All that being said, yes there is an add-on for XenForo that can automate like/reaction limits...

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