How will the Lawsuit affect customers?

Dear Kier, Mike and Ashley,

I hope it wouldn't be too much to ask if you could perhaps pay us a visit here and help us out a bit. :)

At this point in time that is the last thing the owners should do. There is a law suit in place, therefore they should say NOTHING at all and let the legal process work.

Members here should surely realise that the best way to help is to refrain from any more discussion on this subject , especially the personal comments and name calling.
Best guess:
(a) At worst, you'll be paying someone else for upgrades
(b) This is all assuming that there is a valid case, none of which has been presented yet other than what amounts to bare allegations at this point in time.
(c) XF will pay damages and everyone will move on
(d) Given all of the above, it's not a whole lot of money to "risk"
If IB won... this software would become useless as they would destroy it within two years. I would estimate it would be a mass dump and awaiting the next release from Kier, Mike, Ashley and Co. I would be going to IPB before giving IB any further money. :)
Thank you Kier for removing the messages. I am glad I did not see them as that was not my intentions at all.

I have a decent sized site that I have been putting off upgrading simply because I am not sure which way I want to go. I know we can speculate all day long about what we think will happen but untill the gavel is dropped, we will not know the final result.. I just don't want to go through the whole process of moving my site to XF and 2yrs from now I am back to square one. It's not about the money, I would gladly pay $140.00 for XF and not even complain one bit if I was unable to use it any longer, it's the time it takes to learn new sw, and etc.. I hate to invest too much time in something that will have a short life..

That's the main reason behind my original question. I was just looking for what people thought, I guess it's a what if type situation, and I know any answer is only a guess at this point.

Thank you all for your positive input.
If IB won... this software would become useless as they would destroy it within two years. I would estimate it would be a mass dump and awaiting the next release from Kier, Mike, Ashley and Co. I would be going to IPB before giving IB any further money. :)

It's extremely hard to win a copyright infringement case under Commonwealth law without clear violation. Try getting a Judge to understand the concepts of programming for example. Not sure about the Law in England but think this case would fall under our Intellectual Property Rights legislation. IB have another motive here as it's very strange to bring this sort of action without having documented evidence of copyright infringement. Are IB claiming they had already seen Xen coding before release? If so, and assuming they were not given a copy of Xen by Xenforo, they are breaching a number of commercial laws (at least here in Australia).

I think without all the facts, i.e the actual legal statement, that we can speculate all we want without actually doing much good. Please remember these are free and open public forums, you never know who might be reading, or what they might do with your post.
Site runs on

a) vBulletin 3.8 - won't convert to IPB, won't downgrade to vBulletin 4. - runs on vBulletin 3.8 forever.
b) vBulletin 3.8 - converting to XenForo 1.0 - becomes useless after IB wins in court - runs on XenForo 1.0 forever

Even if it becomes useless, upgrading my outdated 3.8 to modern forum solution, ... HMMMMMMM
I will consider b.
In regard to the decision to purchase, I would recommend that anyone would simply follow their own judgment and let your respective project be the primary contributing factor. In other words, life is too short to deal with any level of anxiety you are not comfortable with.

In regard to the "legal commentary", I think it's worthwhile for the community to discuss it - but leave out the aggressive comments or attacks. If thousands of users simply posted "We Love XF" on this site, that is a much more powerful message. XenForo will benefit most if customers build useful/fun communities with it. Donations and Extra Licenses probably wouldn't hurt, but won't be as effective as actual content being supported by XF.

For the record, I'm an XF license holder and will use it for a new site after some initial testing on my personal domain name. I'm looking forward to it.
I don't know how valid or successful is the lawsuit from vbulletin against xenforo or will be, and even thought I haven't bought a license from xenforo (waiting for something out of beta, translation packages, more add-ons, styles, etc.), i like the software and hope it's here to stay.

But my question or concern is, what happens if vbulletin wins the lawsuit, what happens to xenforo and more important what happens with the people that bought early adopters licenses? could they still use their licenses legally?
Probably have to answer that yourself. Anything else would be bordering on legal advise. The rest of us are paying our money with our eyes wide open.
Site runs on

a) vBulletin 3.8 - won't convert to IPB, won't downgrade to vBulletin 4. - runs on vBulletin 3.8 forever.
b) vBulletin 3.8 - converting to XenForo 1.0 - becomes useless after IB wins in court - runs on XenForo 1.0 forever

Even if it becomes useless, upgrading my outdated 3.8 to modern forum solution, ... HMMMMMMM
I will consider b.

I don't think a court would ever rule that they couldn't develop XF? At most I'd think they would have to pay a fine and remove any code the court deems "copied" from IB code. No clue since I'm not a lawyer, but I can't see it going that far. So at worst a delay in a few releases unless the team got completely frustrated with the whole ordeal.

As far as I'm concerned, I have my license, I'm looking forward to playing with it and seeing what's involved in modding as soon as I get past my install bug :)
Site runs on

a) vBulletin 3.8 - won't convert to IPB, won't downgrade to vBulletin 4. - runs on vBulletin 3.8 forever.
b) vBulletin 3.8 - converting to XenForo 1.0 - becomes useless after IB wins in court - runs on XenForo 1.0 forever

Even if it becomes useless, upgrading my outdated 3.8 to modern forum solution, ... HMMMMMMM
I will consider b.
I'd just do what I had originally planned when 3.8 went EOL; create my own security patches and maintain it myself.
I'd just do what I had originally planned when 3.8 went EOL; create my own security patches and maintain it myself.

Or we could develop a completely new forum package ... a unique and revolutionary approach ... something that revitalises the market ... something real modern ... no sorry someone has beaten us to the punch :(
Yer... I doubt they have a shread of anything that will actually standup in an English court. It ain't US court... and English courts don't do all this silly USA suing nonsense well.
you can bully competitors in the English courts as well.
Hannah_M said:
IB knows nothing about the UK laws.
(nor about customer satisfaction) I'd bet their counsel does!
Or we could develop a completely new forum package ... a unique and revolutionary approach ... something that revitalises the market ... something real modern ... no sorry someone has beaten us to the punch :(
I had been planning that before the XenForo rumors on AdminAddict :p.
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