XF 2.1 How to restrict updates to latest XF 2.1 branch?


Well-known member
On my staging test XF 2.1 installs I am testing things out but how do I restrict the upgrade prompt to only XF 2.1 updates and ignore prompting to updating to XF 2.2 for a specific XF 2.1 instance ? I plan to have a 2nd staging test XF 2.2 install for testing XF 2.2 ?
Well, actually, we handled a few things on our side so if you do Tools > Check for upgrades it should notify you of the 2.1.12 update now instead of 2.2.0/1.

If you are currently running 2.1, the automatic upgrade check will now allow you to upgrade to 2.1.12 within your control panel. Once you are running the latest 2.1 release, it will report that an upgrade to 2.2 is available. If you would like to upgrade to 2.1.12 and the control panel reports that 2.2.0 is available, you may manually check for upgrades via Tools > Check for upgrades.
At this moment in time, the upgrader will always notify you of the latest stable version of XF that is available. This may need to change in the future but at the moment it has no concept of different branches.

As of the release of XenForo 2.2.0, XenForo 2.1.x is no longer being actively maintained.
Well, actually, we handled a few things on our side so if you do Tools > Check for upgrades it should notify you of the 2.1.12 update now instead of 2.2.0/1.

If you are currently running 2.1, the automatic upgrade check will now allow you to upgrade to 2.1.12 within your control panel. Once you are running the latest 2.1 release, it will report that an upgrade to 2.2 is available. If you would like to upgrade to 2.1.12 and the control panel reports that 2.2.0 is available, you may manually check for upgrades via Tools > Check for upgrades.
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