
HashTagging [Paid] 2.2.2

No permission to buy ($25.00)
@Daniel Hood having a slight issue when I click on a hastag (using version 1.1.5 ) its not showing the related thread, as seen below, how can I fix?

Give it a couple minutes, it probably hasn't re-cached that tag yet. I'm going to be working on an update that makes this addon way better soon. I've just been super busy.
hmm.... its been a few hours and its not showing the related thread, ill try a fresh install.....
By default it ignored posts after {x} days. The update I was talking about earlier is going to make it limitless. I just have to finish working on some other stuff (mostly the shop that I'm working on to replace my use of fetchapp with an in-house solution).
Is there a trending tags function?

Please integrate or expand this into a thread tagging system. Thread tags and hashtags are basically the same thing. It would be great to interconnect these. I already have 35000 unique tags or so. It doesn't make sense to have two different systems side by side.
I'm currently using vbulletin thread tags on my live website as I am planning to migrate my big board to XF when I have all the needed functionality. Currently the only thread tag addon is XenTag, which is one of the most popular XF addons. Thread tags appear at the bottom of a thread in a list or cloud.

I suggest it would work like this: when someone adds a hashtag to a post, the hashtag will link to all posts and threads that share this tag.
Tags could then be added to posts as hashtags and to threads as thread tags. When someone adds a hashtag to a past, the tag is also added to the threads tag cloud located at the bottom of the thread. Users can also add tags to this tag list / cloud simply by editing the tag list / cloud.
I'm a member of other sites that use this addon and it's growing on me. I think this is better than thread tagging and more convenient too. Will buy this addon later.
@Daniel Hood : Does this addon let people subscribe to the hashtags so that whenever they has-tag is used; they get an alert (with optional email)?

If this feature is planned, expect my money coming your way.
It's not currently a feature but its been requested multiple times. It will be added no promises on when.
Thanks! I believe it'd be a very interesting addition to the add-on. I can already see my users benefiting from it. Please consider adding it in your upcoming versions. :)
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