GoodForNothing Link Proxy

GoodForNothing Link Proxy 1.0.5

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Hey goodie, I found that your new version is very useful. BTW can you add a feature that do not automatically redirect urls (even after seconds), but users have to confirm to go to urls?
Great little plugin! Will add it to my watch-list as I will probably have a need for it in the future.

Looking forward to whitelist :)
Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated Anonymizer/URL Redirector by xenCODE with a new update entry:

Added the ability to disable Automatic Redirection

Added the ability to disable Automatic Redirection as suggested by duydangle here:

To disable Automatic Redirection, visit: ACP -> Options -> Anonymizer/URL Redirector by xenCODE

To Upgrade:
Just upload eveything from the 'upload' folder to you forum's root directory and...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated Anonymizer/URL Redirector by xenCODE with a new update entry:

Added the ability to whitelist domain...

You can now manage the domains you want to 'whitelist'. Meaning, you can now disable the redirection for the sites you want.

If you want to whitelist the entire site, just add "" and if you want to whitelist a part of a site (sub-domain) then add "" :)

Domains must be separated with a single space.

To Upgrade:
Upload everything from the 'upload' folder to you forum's root directory and import the add-on :)

Read the rest of this update entry...
Outstanding :)

I found another use for this little tool......

..... Someone had been posting links that "look like" they direct to my site (phishing spam) and this little baby help bring that information to light.
I can think of only 1 thing that could make this better (suggestion).

User options

Option 1 - auto redirect
Option 2 - no auto redirect

* Option 3- off

* I think I can live without option 3 if it is hard (to much work or resource heavy).

I'd much prefer my users see some kind of warning (having an off feature may not be as good), but I can imagine some members will want to pick between option 1 and 2 at the very least.

This is only me thinking out loud and I'm completely happy with the way it works now (as is). Just wondering if those 2 would be possible or would that be something more complicated?! :cautious:
Any chance you would consider making the redirect an overlay instead of a whole separate page?
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