GoodForNothing Image Optimizer [Paid] [Deleted]

The way Convert Image does things is not compatible with GFNIo.


I have thousand of images converted with MetaMirror and Convert Image.
Some where resized with Resize image from Andy others with the default Xenforo/XFMG upload system

Are you saying that images that where rehosted/imported with MetaMirror/Convert Image can't be optimized?

I am using other addons which could affect attachments, although I ran your previous GFN Kraken addon recently without any problem.
Then the next version (1.0.3) will hopefully work fine for you.
Are you saying that images that where rehosted/imported with MetaMirror/Convert Image can't be optimized?
What I meant by that is: This add-on ports in XenForo's Attachment Model to fetch the file and process them/put them in queue. The way Convert Image does things, the add-on will not be able to port into that. But running the image rebuild should compress those fetched images.
Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated GoodForNothing Image Optimizer with a new update entry:

New Image Handlers & Code Refactoring

This version adds support for two new image handlers:
The code has also be refactored to fix issues regarding attachments getting corrupted. Now every line of execution is handled carefully and a temp image is created which will be...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Could post attachments being miscalculated/handled incorrectly?

Forum Statistics
Number of Attachments:59,679
Attachment Disk Usage (GB):13.86

... vs ...

Images Optimized:14,101
Disk Space Usage:1.9 GB
Disk Space Saved:649.6 MB

Enabled Image Handlers

I have rebuild all image content types. XF is saying 60k attachments for 14Gb, whereas GNF IO is saying 14k images for 2Gb.

Screen Shot 2016-10-30 at 15.05.32.webp
With at least 95% of my site attachments being images, I would have though GFN IO stats (images optimised) would have been much higher.
I have rebuild all image content types. XF is saying 60k attachments for 14Gb, whereas GNF IO is saying 14k images for 2Gb.
What does this SQL return?
SELECT COUNT(*) from xf_attachment WHERE content_type IN ('user', 'conversation_message', 'post', 'resource_update', 'xengallery_media');
With at least 95% of my site attachments being images, I would have though GFN IO stats (images optimised) would have been much higher.
This yields the best results if most of them are uncompressed. And what is the quality set for jpegoptim?
What does this SQL return?
SELECT COUNT(*) from xf_attachment WHERE content_type IN ('user', 'conversation_message', 'post', 'resource_update', 'xengallery_media');

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) from xf_attachment WHERE content_type IN ('user', 'conversation_message', 'post', 'resource_update', 'xengallery_media');
| COUNT(*) |
|    61035 |
1 row in set (0.03 sec)

This yields the best results if most of them are uncompressed. And what is the quality set for jpegoptim?

Gifsicle = Level 2
OptiPNG = Level 1
Yup, that's the culprit. What are some of the error messages?

Lots of ...
Message: File size increased after optimization. The original data is retained.
user(55353), Today at 14:53

Message: File size increased after optimization. The original data is retained.
image_proxy(2612), A moment ago

Error Info
Message: proc_open(): fork failed - Cannot allocate memory
post(32650), Today at 15:07
Extra Data
array(5) {
  ["error_date"] => int(1477793256)
  ["error_type"] => string(14) "ErrorException"
  ["file"] => string(40) "library/GFNIo/ImageHandler/JpegOptim.php"
  ["line"] => int(81)
  ["trace_string"] => string(1176) "#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'proc_open(): fo...', '', 81, Array)
#1 library/GFNIo/ImageHandler/JpegOptim.php(81): proc_open(''/usr/bin/jpego...', Array, NULL, NULL, NULL, Array)
#2 library/GFNIo/ImageHandler/Abstract.php(56): GFNIo_ImageHandler_JpegOptim->_optimize(Object(GFNIo_Image))
#3 library/GFNIo/Application.php(74): GFNIo_ImageHandler_Abstract->optimize(Object(GFNIo_Image))
#4 library/GFNIo/StorageHandler/Attachment.php(24): GFNIo_Application::optimize(Object(GFNIo_Image))
#5 library/GFNIo/Deferred/ProcessQueue.php(54): GFNIo_StorageHandler_Attachment->processFromQueue(Array)
#6 library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(295): GFNIo_Deferred_ProcessQueue->execute(Array, Array, 8, '')
#7 library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(429): XenForo_Model_Deferred->runDeferred(Array, 8, '', false)
#8 library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(374): XenForo_Model_Deferred->_runInternal(Array, 8, '', false)
#9 deferred.php(23): XenForo_Model_Deferred->run(false)
#10 {main}"

The latter looks to be the issue.
php (php-fpm 7.0) running/active memory_limit = 386M
Mr. Goodie2Shoes updated GoodForNothing Image Optimizer with a new update entry:

Fixed a serious issue with Attachment Store

The image was getting removed from the system if "Maintain File Name" was enabled for External and FTP upload. The issue was from the fact that the file name (if that option is enlabed) was being handled by [bd] Attachment Store differently which I didn't notice and apologies for that.

Thank you @Axel B for bringing this up to me on a short notice and being cooperative during the debugging process. :)

Read the rest of this update entry...
After the last update 1.0.4, processes the items no longer to 100, but one by one.



How to stop:

This script can't stop the rebuild proces:
DELETE FROM xf_deferred WHERE unique_key = 'gfnioq';
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If I understand correct, images are optimised, but still there is queue filled with this (30 hours and growing), and error list to.
Is there could be process of requeueing If I press Rebuild Attached Images and Resume Image Optimization?
If that is problem, how could I stop process?

1.webp 2.webp 3.webp
@Sunka You'll have to clear the queue list
TRUNCATE TABLE gfn_io_image_queue
and delete the deferred process
DELETE FROM xf_deferred WHERE unique_key = 'gfnioq';

The reason why the stats got messed up may be because you've cleared the process log and reran the "Rebuild Attached Images" as the system checks inside the table of process log to see if the image was processed or not. If not then it would be added to the queue. Since clearing the log basically truncates the table the system thinks the image as a new one.
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