Also, to get the mobile button on a tablet, all that's necessary is the Browser Detection add-on? Then the option will show up under the style property, or is there some other template manipulation necessary?
I don't use a responsive style, so I don't have a way to check this, which means you will have to fix it yourself.
I see the screenshots are coming from a mobile device (iphone/ipod). As it has been written the original Javascript doesn't work well on some mobile devices, which is why there is an extension to disable it. I recommend not to activate this addon on mobile devices. On tablets, I don't have any problems with my ipad. Now if your problem also occurs with normal devices, then see the above point.
Ced - Alright, I'll try installing the browser detection. My members like the button on mobile (finger scrolling is a pain in the ass) so I think I'll keep it for now.
@cclaerhout can we have the choice of "None" for "'Go To Top !' Button Type (normal devices)"? Apparently the button is not working for my forum when it's on normal device i.e. laptop's web browsers. But when I adjust the browser's width (I am using Soft Responsive), the button becomes clickable. Not sure why. So I might as well choose None for normal device and enable for just mobile devices which was my only intention. Hope to hear from you. Thanks.
I thought it was working on 1.2. I don't know when I will find time to update it. If the problem is confirmed, feel free to update it on github then here.
I thought it was working on 1.2. I don't know when I will find time to update it. If the problem is confirmed, feel free to update it on github then here.
Cedric, Go To Top! is working with XenForo 1.2.0 without any problem so you don't need to do anything with this absolutely awesome add-on. I actually need to do something. I need to thank you for this. I just love it! Thanks for this
No and this will need another addon. But this is just basic Jquery. You should have a look on Internet and will certainly find a basic line of code to perform what you want to do.
A 'go to bottom' option would be very useful I think - I know you said you don't need it, but actually most scrolling tends to be to get to the editor when you click on a thread as opposed to the last post...
A 'go to bottom' option would be very useful I think - I know you said you don't need it, but actually most scrolling tends to be to get to the editor when you click on a thread as opposed to the last post...
The name of this addon is pretty clear and a scroll down function has nothing to do with it. Moreover this addon integrates an external JS file that has several nice effects which can't be done the same way with a scroll down function. And by the way a scroll down function is really something basic to integrate. Use the template modification system to add anywhere you want a div box that will be used as a trigger, and add an ultra basic JS in the header. To get an example of the JS code, just use a search engine, you will get many results (example).
Hello Cédric, could you possibly include an option to use FontAwesome please? Using fa-chevron-up on top of fa-square, it should look very similar to what we have now and save on resources being used. Thanks.
Hello Cédric, could you possibly include an option to use FontAwesome please? Using fa-chevron-up on top of fa-square, it should look very similar to what we have now and save on resources being used. Thanks.