Genesis - Open Source Style Framework

Genesis - Open Source Style Framework 1.0.0 Beta 1

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there's no problem inside topic and forum but there is problem given below with the categories
View attachment 42062
You should be able to fix this by replacing line 57 of library/Waindigo/LastPostAvatar/Listener/TemplatePostRender.php:
$this->_contents = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $this->_contents);
$this->_contents = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $this->_contents, 1);

Let me know if this fixes it.

Could this plugin or the forum layout plugin cause this to happen?

Posts that are "stickied" are showing up like this... (notice the Latest:v% PVP tournament) is different from the other latest: Sexism - etc.

Could this plugin or the forum layout plugin cause this to happen?

Posts that are "stickied" are showing up like this... (notice the Latest:v% PVP tournament) is different from the other latest: Sexism - etc.

This was a bug in a previous version. Please make sure you have updated to the most recent version.
I installed, Registerd in forum in order to remove copyright notification of this ADDON, but there is no info where and how i remove it. Anyone?
this update seems to have stopped it working with your social forum add-on

It doesn't display on social nodes anymore
this update seems to have stopped it working with your social forum add-on

It doesn't display on social nodes anymore
An update to the social forums add-on will be released soon. I did think this add-on was fully backwards compatible, but obviously not.
howdy jon

Just a note this keeps showing as "upgrade" being available in chris deemings auto installer.

even when latest installed
Hiya Waindigo,

Just wondered if there was any way to specify a size of the icons displayed with this add-on? The default size in the template i use is "standard" size, which whilst it's fine for other positions is way too big for the "last message" column (increases the size of each line to around 3x the size it could be because the large image pushes the text down....)


EDIT : Ahh... This relates to the large icons issue mentioned a couple of pages back, however the css changes in extra.css doesnt seem to work....
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