

No permission to download
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I guess not, I didn't get a warning or notice about it, or "Hey, that's not cool". And it wasn't the complete style, it was just the changed templates between 1.1.3 and 1.1.4.
The author doesn't allow anyone else release updated version of this style?

No, see the terms he laid out in the oterview. This was brought to our attention today (SneakyDave's post)--though not via the original author--so as such, it had to be removed.

Distributing updates to the style and distributing the style gets into a bit of a grey area. Obviously it's a tricky situation when the author isn't active...
I wouldn't go down that road, Russ. Since its a free style, only the author can give permission and Erik was pretty clear on the limitations...just my opinion, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to do anything that another designer might take issue with. Now, if Erik were to amend his TOS to allow it, then by all means... ;)
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I wouldn't go down that road, Russ. Since its a free style, only the author can give permission and Erik was pretty clear on the limitations...just my opinion, but I'm sure you wouldn't want to do anything that another designer might take issue with. Now, if Erik were to amend his TOS to allow it, then by all means... ;)

Don't see how its any difference of someone hiring me to customize a header for another style, I wouldn't be distributing the updated style to anyone else and his copyright would be retained, only difference is it would be updated for the latest XF version. Its a simple small contracted job to work on the coding nothing else.
Don't see how its any difference of someone hiring me to customize a header for another style, I wouldn't be distributing the updated style to anyone else and his copyright would be retained, only difference is it would be updated for the latest XF version. Its a simple small contracted job to work on the coding nothing else.

You would then be updating Flexile for a monetary gain and releasing it privately, which isn't much different than releasing it publicly. The only difference is that you're doing so under the title of it be a 'service'.

Ignoring that, it is just plain disrespectful and unprofessional to advertise yourself in another designers thread, even if the designer is inactive.
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Deleted, again I wouldn't of been redistributing the style as they would of already had it installed. Never the less deleted the offer, @John if you don't mind editing your quote to disregard the offer as well.

I didn't think of it as a monetary gain more as a service to help people to he latest version of XF. Anywho post deleted.
Deleted, again I wouldn't of been redistributing the style as they would of already had it installed. Never the less deleted the offer, @John if you don't mind editing your quote to disregard the offer as well.

I didn't think of it as a monetary gain more as a service to help people to he latest version of XF. Anywho post deleted.

Done. Don't take me wrong, @Russ ...you know I have great respect for you and consider you a friend (and I know where your heart is, too), so, it's all good. :)
Yep, I'm back.

I apologize for neglecting my themes for the past several months. :( I've been busy, and making updates in the past has been a rigorous and grueling process of diffing the master templates between versions of XenForo, then manually (line by line) merging those changes into Flexile. For each and every template that needs updating. Sometimes this process could take 4 to 5 hours.

Thankfully, I've come up with a new updating process that is much more automated and allows me to make updates in 30%-50% of the time. Hopefully this should allow me to update much more rapidly in the future without as much of a time commitment needed on my part.

There's an update in the wings for 1.1.5 for both Flexile and Flexile Dark, but I first have to read through the 15 (?) or so pages of discussion I've missed to make sure there haven't been other issues reported that I can fix for the 1.1.5 update.

Updates for 1.2 will be coming. I can't really give an ETA right now because from my brief glance over the What's New forum the changes in 1.2 are massive - I'm not sure what the scope of the work that needs to be done is. It's in the works, though.

Thanks, and let me know if you have any other questions.

- Erik
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