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thanks :) I just got the forum updated so I will update the style after the holiday. Glad you said that... I would have been really angry if it would have gone and I didnt know why haha
Notices: Could do with some extra padding-top, 10 pixels looks better.
Before and after single screenshot below. :)


Edit: For now, an addition to EXTRA.css thus:

/* Notices padding-top 10px */
.PanelScroller { padding-top: 10px !important; }
Notices: Could do with some extra padding-top, 10 pixels looks better.
Before and after single screenshot below. :)

View attachment 21718

Edit: For now, an addition to EXTRA.css thus:

/* Notices padding-top 10px */
.PanelScroller { padding-top: 10px !important; }

Oops, that's not actually where I even want them to go. They should be outside of that entire container, like on the forum index page. Will fix in a bit.
This code is a bit strange to me
(Template: navigation_visitor_tab)
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.enableNewsFeed}"><li><a href="{xen:link account/news-feed}">{xen:phrase your_news_feed}</a></li></xen:if>
<li><a href="{xen:link account/news-feed}">{xen:phrase your_news_feed}</a></li>
Oops, was going to write "1.0.4 to 1.1" but changed 1.0.4 to 1.0 and my brain got confused... Anyways, edited.
This code is a bit strange to me
(Template: navigation_visitor_tab)
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.enableNewsFeed}"><li><a href="{xen:link account/news-feed}">{xen:phrase your_news_feed}</a></li></xen:if>
<li><a href="{xen:link account/news-feed}">{xen:phrase your_news_feed}</a></li>
This may have been accidentally doubled up when I was merging changes. Let me check. :)
Hey Erik... in the future, do you mind giving an ID to your Flexile copyright? Maybe something like...
<li id="copyrightErik"><span>Flexile theme by Erik Swan.</span></li>
When I try to enable support for 8wayrun addons I get sent to the following page:


That page says "Error - The requested page could not be found." Then when I go back and look...the 8wayrun support is still not checked.
Seems like something is wrong with your XenForo installation. Works fine on my test installation, and this wouldn't be something that's wrong with the theme anyways. If this is happening something is wrong with the XenForo core. You could try re-installing the theme, otherwise I would go to the general XenForo support forum to get help. :)
Just quoting so you get a notification

Anyways, Erik I was wondering how you would be able to change the colour of the theme to something darker, like lowering down that saturation so its almost like black and white. Is that possible ?
Just more contrasty like white background and content background and everything, but just more black / greyish theme so like no colour.
Try changing all of the blue colors in the color palette to appropriate shades of gray (same for the oranges) - that will at least remove the color. Then if you want to make it more contrasty you can tweak those colors as well as other colors defined in the CSS/style properties. If there's a specific area you want to change that isn't controlled via style properties, let me know and I can tell you where to change it. :)
Try changing all of the blue colors in the color palette to appropriate shades of gray (same for the oranges) - that will at least remove the color. Then if you want to make it more contrasty you can tweak those colors as well as other colors defined in the CSS/style properties. If there's a specific area you want to change that isn't controlled via style properties, let me know and I can tell you where to change it. :)

is there any exact way to do that? Like getting the shades exactly right instead of estimating ?

Also I have a problem with the images, when you click on an attached image and that image browser thing comes up, the arrows are missing off of it, they were probably turned into spirits.
is there any exact way to do that? Like getting the shades exactly right instead of estimating ?

You could copy and paste each hex value into Photoshop or another image editing program, and then in the color selector drag the saturation slider all the way down. I guess that would be the only scientific way to do it. :)

Also I have a problem with the images, when you click on an attached image and that image browser thing comes up, the arrows are missing off of it, they were probably turned into spirits.
Ok, I'll look into this. :)
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