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ok, ummmm so what do I do?

That blue shiny icon of a broken page is used for sites, coded for IE6... so the IE6 compatibility web engine takes the job for the display of the homepage... you can't do anything - just press that icon. It's a switch for the end-user.
Edit: blue and shiny means: activated
Edit2: so in that case, the style should be modified for IE6 :S but IMO... this compatibility view should be more hidden.. default value after all is deactivated
That blue shiny icon of a broken page is used for sites, coded for IE6... so the IE6 compatibility web engine takes the job for the display of the homepage... you can't do anything - just press that icon. It's a switch for the end-user.
Edit: blue and shiny means: activated
ahHA! I didn't even know I was in compatibility mode, or whatever that is. I do know I was in panic mode.
Thanks so much for your help Daniel. :)
I'm wondering if there's a way to fix how this style renders on the iPhone and other mobile devices. Several people have said that it is all shifted over to the left on their iPhone, and they're right.
I'm wondering if there's a way to fix how this style renders on the iPhone and other mobile devices. Several people have said that it is all shifted over to the left on their iPhone, and they're right.

This issue comes up when you have to scroll.
(sidenote: the "left shift" comes from the side-margin(s))
Workaround: set a minimum width for your page at two places.
Style Properties (of Flexile) > General > Page Width Controller (pageWidth)
set in text-area (example | I set it this way. the side-margins in this window above the text area are 'auto'):
min-width: 960px; margin: 0 20px;
Style Properties (of Flexile) > General > Body (body)
add this to the text-area (lets calc 960+2x20=1000 :)):
min-width: 1000px;

You can also try it with 150px margin - as you mentioned that you have but if you use 150px on both sides, you need a min-width of 1040px to still get a single line userbar (the black one at the top.

@chrisj: try the edit in the user_bar that I posted at the end of the post.. I bet this would also help you.

That blue shiny icon of a broken page is used for sites, coded for IE6... so the IE6 compatibility web engine takes the job for the display of the homepage... you can't do anything - just press that icon. It's a switch for the end-user.
Edit: blue and shiny means: activated
Edit2: so in that case, the style should be modified for IE6 :S but IMO... this compatibility view should be more hidden.. default value after all is deactivated

I have to correct myself: the compatibility view has been updated since IE8 to support the quirks mode of IE6 and IE7..
It seems like the flexile style has a problem to be displayed in IE7 as it is viewable here: http://browsershots.org/

Instead of making a triple-post, I decided to edit my 2nd:
How to make this style IE-Compatibility View-compatible (isn't it ironic?)
Edit 2 Templates of Flexile (remember - backup!):
user_bar and internetexplorer.css

so let's start with the internetexplorer.css:
append at the end:
#navigation {
    margin: 0;
#content {
    width: 100%

at the user_bar,
you have to search the line
<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}"><xen:include template="navigation_visitor_tab" /></xen:if>
Cut that, and paste below
<div class="pageContent">
You should have this now:
<xen:require css="user_bar.css" />

<fieldset id="userBar">
    <div class="pageWidth">
        <div class="pageContent">
            <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}"><xen:include template="navigation_visitor_tab" /></xen:if>

            <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} && !{$visitor.is_moderator} && !{$visitor.is_admin} && @showUserBarText">
                <a href="@userBarTextLink">
                    <span class="itemLabel">@userBarString</span>
            <xen:if is="{$visitor.is_moderator} || {$visitor.is_admin}">
                <xen:include template="moderator_bar" />
That's because the float:right of the 'user-navigation-ul" was defined after the other elements. float converts an element to a display:block and a display:block forces the internet explorer (7) to line-break before that element. Probably also other browsers are affected.

This issue comes up when you have to scroll.
(sidenote: the "left shift" comes from the side-margin(s))
Workaround: set a minimum width for your page at two places.
Style Properties (of Flexile) > General > Page Width Controller (pageWidth)
set in text-area (example | I set it this way. the side-margins in this window above the text area are 'auto'):
min-width: 960px; margin: 0 20px;
Style Properties (of Flexile) > General > Body (body)
add this to the text-area (lets calc 960+2x20=1000 :)):
min-width: 1000px;

You can also try it with 150px margin - as you mentioned that you have but if you use 150px on both sides, you need a min-width of 1040px to still get a single line userbar (the black one at the top.

haha forget that. I set it back to fixed width (HATE fixed width) with auto margins, width of 980px and min width of 940px.
Checked it on my iPhone, and looks great.

Thanks again Daniel.
<xen:require css="user_bar.css" />

<fieldset id="userBar">
    <div class="pageWidth">
        <div class="pageContent">
            <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}"><xen:include template="navigation_visitor_tab" /></xen:if>

            <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} && !{$visitor.is_moderator} && !{$visitor.is_admin} && @showUserBarText">
                <a href="@userBarTextLink">
                    <span class="itemLabel">@userBarString</span>
            <xen:if is="{$visitor.is_moderator} || {$visitor.is_admin}">
                <xen:include template="moderator_bar" />
That's because the float:right of the 'user-navigation-ul" was defined after the other elements. float converts an element to a display:block and a display:block forces the internet explorer (7) to line-break before that element. Probably also other browsers are affected.

That fixed it for me. The odd thing was that refreshing would fix the problem, it only occurred the first time I opened forums or members or help, etc.
Erik in flexile-1.0.0.zip the default image for the mce drop down smilies button is the original beta/RC doodle smile.png


I suggest updating smilie.png to the new default smilie Shelley made for XF 1.0.0 :)

easy fix if you already have Flexile installed is to copy over: styles/default/xenforo/editor/smilie.png
All of the doodle smilies are still at: styles/default/xenforo/smilies.doodle on a default XF install

although you should note that from that directory: smile.png -> smilie.png in the editor directory.
I've been busy this week and I'm on vacation for a week starting Friday but I'll try to look into the IE issues if I have time. As it is now, I can't reproduce the issue with IE 9 either on my install or Mahoning Valley Talk. I'm not sure whether I've got the compatibility view feature enabled or not. Even if that is the problem, ideally the user shouldn't have to change a browser setting to get things to look right. I'll see what I can do.

I'll look into the iOS issues as well. :)
I've been busy this week and I'm on vacation for a week starting Friday but I'll try to look into the IE issues if I have time. As it is now, I can't reproduce the issue with IE 9 either on my install or Mahoning Valley Talk. I'm not sure whether I've got the compatibility view feature enabled or not. Even if that is the problem, ideally the user shouldn't have to change a browser setting to get things to look right. I'll see what I can do.

I'll look into the iOS issues as well. :)
I'm not experiencing any issues with IE9.
Oh just to say: my modifications above are for liquid layouts only
Except the last one with the float.

Why would I activate the compatibility button? The style is compatible with the browser I'm using :)
Of course you don't have to do that. But if you want to reproduce the problem and do something for IE6/7 users or for users who don't know that feature, you make their lifes easier on your board. If their lifes are easier, yours will be easier, too.
I am experiencing an issue where wide signatures overflow during conversations when using the Flexile style. Do you have any recommendations as to how I can best adjust for this issue?

Of course you don't have to do that. But if you want to reproduce the problem and do something for IE6/7 users or for users who don't know that feature, you make their lifes easier on your board. If their lifes are easier, yours will be easier, too.
I was responding to Peggy's original post regarding issues with IE9. The issues are not IE9, rather, compatibility mode. Luckily for me, my site targets developers, so they're using Chrome or Firefox :) To anyone that views it in IE6/7...f***'em ;)
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