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Hello there, I would use Erik's thread here for support on Flexile. Sounds to me like a missing image, but be sure to let him know what browser/version you are running.
From your CSS:

    .node .forumNodeInfo .nodeIcon,
    .node .categoryForumNodeInfo .nodeIcon
        background-image: url();
        background-color: #2096e1;

    .node .forumNodeInfo.unread .nodeIcon,
    .node .categoryForumNodeInfo.unread .nodeIcon
        background-image: url();
        background-color: #1061b3;

    .node .pageNodeInfo .nodeIcon
        background-image: url();

    .node .linkNodeInfo .nodeIcon
        background-image: url();

The images are not defined. If not an incorrect style version then you need to revert the associated CSS and style properties:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Style Properties -> Node Icons

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> node_list.css
I have a problem with flexile all my forum icons are blue squares I want blue speech bubbles instead but

Interesting. I ran into a similar problem simply copying the default node-sprites.png to the flexile style. It turned out showing the background rather than the nice node icons. Flexile 1.1.1 was downloaded and installed as well as the latest XF installed.I gave up and put the Flexile icons back but it would be nice to have the default ones. I posted in the Flexile thread and saw someone else with the same issue. No answer yet - hopefully it is obvious.
hello anyone
I have merged both of your threads with the style thread.

In future, please post any issues related to custom styles or add-ons on the respective threads.
Also, don't create multiple threads for the same issue.

Additionally, bumping a thread for a reply at 1 in the morning after creating it just 30 minutes previously is not really appropriate. Give people time to respond.
I love this style and I'm looking to use it for my new website. However I've come across a problem in the testing phase. It turns out a lot of my members use IE7 at work and in IE7 the style breaks up in two places...

1) The header is pushed out of place.
2) The user bar along the top is broken into two lines instead of staying on the same line.

I've included two screenshots. One from Firefox to show how it should look and one from IE7 to show how it does look





I would really appreciate any help in fixing this issue.
Have you customised something, as I just tested mine, being the latest version, and it shows perfectly in IE7.

If you have adjusted something, missed closing a tag, etc... that would explain what is happening.
I am not sure if this is a bug or not But for the forum Global Layout The Blocks are not "Break out of content"

Can be Viewed Here​
So I uploaded all the images, then imported the XML file included in Flexile 1.1.1, and I get this:


I really don't think I'm doing anything wrong... I've tried it at least 6 times now.
Yes, wait for an update, or do the compares between the 1.1.2 versions of those templates and the Flexile versions, and apply any changes yourself.

The Flexile styles haven't been created in the resource manager yet, hopefully they will be soon.
OK, thanks. I thought that was the case, but thought I should check just in case it was something I had done incorrectly!

Another question I would really appreciate an answer to: how would I make the blue navbar & selected tab translucent (e.g. 50% opacity)? I would like to be able to see my logo/background image behind the selected tab. Or, failing that, how would one implement the "translucent boxes for unselected tabs" system that 8wayrun has?

Thanks :)
Can anyone give any advice on how to merge outdated templates (i.e. bring them up to date), using something like Notepad++ or TextWrangler, in lieu of an official update?

Another question I would really appreciate an answer to: how would I make the blue navbar & selected tab translucent (e.g. 50% opacity)? I would like to be able to see my logo/background image behind the selected tab. Or, failing that, how would one implement the "translucent boxes for unselected tabs" system that 8wayrun has?

Thanks :D
Is this theme still supported, as Erik was last seen online Jan 18?

I ask as this is now directly related to Audentio, as Erik works for Audentio I believe?
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