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on the home page the ad spacing is fine because the "Users found this page searching for..." block appears. When another block is present after the main content, the spacing is fine.

The issue is when there is no other block the ad merges into the main content area. Check the Forums main page or any thread.
Erik, I think you know what a big fan I am of Flexile. I know you are very busy but if you get some time this summer maybe you would consider adding a collapsible sidebar to the Flexile theme?

Example: http://clanrad.com/
Erik how would I go about giving say, Flexile Green, its own distinct set of forum status icons, even though it is a child of Flexile blue.

I have flexile blue and red installed and they both look great with the red/gray forum icons, but they don't look good on the green style.
Well I am not Erik, and I have never changed the forum status icon, but if you are willing to overlook those details I believe I have the information you seek.

ACP > Appearance > Style Properties > Forum List > Forum Icon Path.

Just be sure to make the change only in the Green style

I'm hoping to use the Flexile skin on my new XenForo Forum which will have WordPress as the CMS.

Is there a matching Flexile skin available for Wordpress? I'm probably hoping for too much but if there was then it would really help me keep a uniform look across the whole website.
I'm hoping to use the Flexile skin on my new XenForo Forum which will have WordPress as the CMS.

Is there a matching Flexile skin available for Wordpress? I'm probably hoping for too much but if there was then it would really help me keep a uniform look across the whole website.
Unfortunately not. HOWEVER - there is an add-on here on XF that wraps your WP in your xf style. I too use Flexile, and tried it. It worked very nicely.
That was very nice of you. I see what you mean. It looks like just what I need.
If I hadn't decided to go with the portal here, I would have stayed with that. Only problem with it is that it supports only a 2 column WP, and I needed 3 columns, which is why I went with Jaxel's portal.

I love WP, have my blog on it.
If I hadn't decided to go with the portal here, I would have stayed with that. Only problem with it is that it supports only a 2 column WP, and I needed 3 columns, which is why I went with Jaxel's portal.

I love WP, have my blog on it.

Only 2 columns? Oh that could be a problem.

I was just trying to populate my menu but WP is telling me that my theme only supports 4 menu options. Im not used to WP, is there a way around this?
Hey Erik... I have some recommended changes for PAGE_CONTAINER...

<div id="content" class="{$contentTemplate}">
    <div class="pageWidth">
        <div class="pageContent">
            <!-- main content area -->

            <xen:hook name="page_container_content_top" />
<div id="content" class="{$contentTemplate}">
    <div class="pageWidth">
        <xen:hook name="page_container_content_top" />
        <div class="pageContent">
            <!-- main content area -->

            <xen:hook name="page_container_breadcrumb_bottom">
            <div class="breadBoxBottom"><xen:include template="breadcrumb" /></div>

            <div class="breadBoxBottom"><xen:include template="breadcrumb" /></div>

        <xen:hook name="page_container_breadcrumb_bottom" />

The way it works right now, pushes out the content area and doesn't look right.
Hmm I see zero changes on my dev site when I change this.. (tho I didn't have problems before)
All I did was move TWO hooks around. If you don't use those hooks, you wont see an issue.

I use those hooks for my adverts above and below the content container. However, in Flexile, the content container has an extra white panel around it (which is why breakouts need to be explicitly defined in flexile_exceptions.css). When you use those 2 hooks, it extends the content container out and beyond the breadcrumbs, which it shouldn't do with this particular skin.
All I did was move TWO hooks around. If you don't use those hooks, you wont see an issue.

I use those hooks for my adverts above and below the content container. However, in Flexile, the content container has an extra white panel around it (which is why breakouts need to be explicitly defined in flexile_exceptions.css). When you use those 2 hooks, it extends the content container out and beyond the breadcrumbs, which it shouldn't do with this particular skin.
Ahh I see :) thanks
I will get to your questions when I have the time, pretty busy right now. :)

No problem, I hope you wont mind if I leave a question for you for when you get back.

Although if anyone else knows how to do this then please feel free to advise me. I've installed the Flexile skin and I want to change '@primaryMedium' to blue instead of green.

But when I do it also changes the Navbar/header colour to blue as well. Is there any way to edit the navbar/header colour seperately to '@primaryMedium'
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