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How do we change the Alert/Inbox counter from Blue to Read... I dont like it being blue, it doesn't stand out.
Template: navigation.css

Edit background under:
.navTabs .navLink .itemCount (box)
.navTabs .navLink .itemCount .arrow (arrow)
According to the Flexile Style Properties, the Alert Baloon is already set to RED... why is it blue on my skin?
I think the .css template overrides the Style Properties, but doesn't change it (mine [not Flexile] are gray, but Style Properties shows red, I think).
Well there are a lot of changes in Beta5... hopefully Erik can release the alert box fix with the next version.
According to the Flexile Style Properties, the Alert Baloon is already set to RED... why is it blue on my skin?
It should be blue by default.

If you're referring to the @importantColor Style Property, that is used for the Moderation Queue/Reported Items alert counts, but not the regular alerts. The regular alert count boxes will be changed to have a background of @importantColor in the beta 5 release, which will be coming this weekend. :)
Erik, Could you please help me out. I've tried to find this item but to no avail and it's driving me nuts (short trip I know, but still.........)

I want to reduce the height of this (where the arrows are pointing), but can't find it!


Thanks in advance. :)
Erik, Could you please help me out. I've tried to find this item but to no avail and it's driving me nuts (short trip I know, but still.........)

I want to reduce the height of this (where the arrows are pointing), but can't find it!

View attachment 7481

Thanks in advance. :)
It's actually pretty complicated, but you need to change:
line-height of .breadcrumb .crust a.crumb
border-width of .breadcrumb .crust .arrow
border-width and top positioning of .breadcrumb .crust .arrow span
margin of .breadcrumb .jumpMenuTrigger
margin and padding of .sidebar .section .primaryContent h3, .sidebar .section .secondaryContent h3 if you want the sidebar headers to match.

Hope this points you in the right direction. :)
It's actually pretty complicated, but you need to change:
line-height of .breadcrumb .crust a.crumb
border-width of .breadcrumb .crust .arrow
border-width and top positioning of .breadcrumb .crust .arrow span
margin of .breadcrumb .jumpMenuTrigger
margin and padding of .sidebar .section .primaryContent h3, .sidebar .section .secondaryContent h3 if you want the sidebar headers to match.

Hope this points you in the right direction. :)
OMG... ugh never mind. Thanks Erik.
OMG... ugh never mind. Thanks Erik.
I'm in the middle of updating the style to beta 5, and I decided to add a feature to change the height of the breadcrumb bar using a single value, but I'm running into a problem:


What happens to the button when the breadcrumb get's narrower? How would you solve this problem?
Oh you know what ? I hadn't even considered that button. I was only thinking of forum home. Soooo, what I would do is to leave it the way it is. Seriously.
Just so you know... image-attachments.png is missing from flexile/xenforo/widgets/

I just noticed this error has consumed my error logs.
Had a few reports of edits to EXTRA.css not showing up. When I took a look, I don't see where that template is included within this style.

When I added it back to the bottom of public.css, everything worked as it should.
Had a few reports of edits to EXTRA.css not showing up. When I took a look, I don't see where that template is included within this style.
EXTRA.css is included by xenforo.css so it is always present.
That's true. It is in the default theme's public.css, but I had to add it to the public.css for Flexile, per Arik's instructions.
Question to the users of Flexile - when you update your forum to XF's newest beta, how do you go about updating Flexile's newest version without losing all of the template edits from your add-ons?

Please tell it like you're talking to a newbie (which I'm not), cuz I've been up all night.
Thanks. :)
The style has been updated to Beta 5. There is one new image in the package so it is recommended you upload the entire package in addition to importing the new XML file. The latest version is available for download in the first post. Please post if you have any problems. :)

Flexile 0.4 changelog:
  • Updated for Beta 5.
  • Added missing images to package
  • Added missing call to EXTRA.css
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