Flexile Dark

Flexile Dark

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Hi Erik.

I just downloaded Flexile Dark and I want to ensure I don't make a mistake with respect to my template set up.

Currently my setup is as follows:

Flexile (child of Default)
Flexile Blue (child of Flexile)

All my template mods are in Flexile Blue. So when I import Flexile-Dark, I should install it as a child of Flexile Blue to retain my current template mods? Is that correct?

Also, would I then re-import Flexile Dark2 as a child of Flexile Dark? So that way if I made any template mods specific to the Dark them they wouldn't have conflicts when Flexile Dark version is updated?

I hope my phrasing above makes sense.

flexile >> flexile dark >> flexile colour

That doesn't sound like a reasonable option. I have TONS of template modifications, all of them performed within the Flexile Blue theme. If the Flexile Dark theme is not a child of Flexile Blue (basically my customized version of Flexile) then all those changes would be lost. Worse, whenever an update occurs I would have to duplicate the template updates twice. That goes against all programming concepts, duplicating work.
According to Erik, this is the recommended structure for Flexile styles:

[Attachment deleted due to post by Erik below]
According to Erik, this is the recommended structure for Flexile styles:

View attachment 12754

Thank you Brogan. If I follow that suggestion then I have two questions about where to make my template edits. Let's assume my Flexile install mirrors yours. I wish for my members to be able to switch back and forth to any Flexile style they choose from the list.

- Where can I make my template edits so that when the new Flexile or Flexile Dark style comes out, my template modifications wont get over-written? It is my understanding if I make changes in Flexile or Flexile Dark, any time an update comes out my templates would be wiped, which is exactly what happened last time. So to avoid that issue I need to make my template edits in a child style, right?

- Where can I make my template edits so that they apply to all styles? For example I have one template mod where I add social icons to the nav bar. I don't want to add it to Default or Flexile or Flexile Dark, because if I do then anytime an update comes out I will have Outdated template issue, right?

Sorry, I thought I understood the template process until I ran into this curve ball.
Oracle, I'll try to help clear up your confusion here. Trust me I was just as confused as you are!

THIS is how Erik told me to set mine up -

XF Default
... Flexile (child of default) *when Flexile gets upgraded, this is the one that is upgraded. Do NOT do edits here, they will get wiped out.
.......Flexile blue ** THIS is where you do your edits.
.......Flexile Dark *** IF you have different edits to your dark style, you will do them here.
.......Flexile Red
Ok, for once and for all, here is the recommended method of installing Flexile so that you retain the maximum ability to upgrade to future versions of the style and not lose changes.
  • Flexile Stock (hide this from users, overwrite during style upgrades)
    • Flexile Customized (blue by default)
      • Flexile Red
      • Flexile Green
      • ...
      • Flexile Dark Stock (hide this from users, overwrite during style upgrades)
        • Flexile Dark Customized (blue by default - you may have to redo some edits made in Flexile Customized because of template conflicts with Flexile Dark)
          • Flexile Dark Red
          • Flexile Dark Green
          • ...
Putting Flexile Dark Stock under Flexile Customized may not work too well if you've heavily customized Flexile. In that case, this may be better:
  • Flexile Stock (hide this from users, overwrite during style upgrades)
    • Flexile Customized (blue by default)
      • Flexile Red
      • Flexile Green
      • ...
    • Flexile Dark Stock (hide this from users, overwrite during style upgrades)
      • Flexile Dark Customized (blue by default)
        • Flexile Dark Red
        • Flexile Dark Green
        • ...
If you are only using Flexile Dark Standalone:
  • Flexile Dark Standalone Stock (hide this from users, overwrite during style upgrades)
    • Flexile Dark Customized (blue by default)
      • Flexile Dark Red
      • Flexile Dark Green
      • ...
Thx for the explanation Erik. That is exactly how I set my site up. I just got concerned with nesting so many layers.

As far as Flexile Dark goes, I love it. I have noticed some oddities which I would like to bring to your attention. I could correct them on my own, but I think you would be interested in changing at least some of them for the style.

From the first image below:
1. On forum threads the "Share This Page" text is black on a dark background so it's very hard to read.
2. The BBCode section looks a bit odd to me. It isn't colored with the rest of the style. It could be left I guess but you may want to choose a color within the style.


From the second image:
The "Thread Display Options" located at the bottom of the forum thread list is not readable as it is dark text on a dark background.
yes Peggy, they show up fine on mine too. I stopped the image to save on forum size :).

The only issues I wanted to bring to Erik's attention from that image were the two items I shared above. I highlighted the areas of concern with a red box.
He's correct, I've had to override the CSS for those two, which are way too black to read...

Would be nice to have them fixed up for the next version...
Hi Erik,

Do you know how I can get the FB chat module looking 'normal' IE changing the text colour to be readable and changing the size of the box or something so the names arent cut off at the bottom? This is currently being used in XenPorta, i posted a question there first but no one seems to have an idea how to fix it. Cheers mate.

EWRporta_Block_FaceBook template

<div class="section">
    <div class="secondaryContent" id="facebook" style="padding-bottom: 5px;">
        <h3>Facebook Group</h3>
        <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script>
        <fb:fan width="240" height="286" connections="12" stream="false" logobar="false" css="{$xenOptions.boardUrl}/js/8wayrun/facebook.css?1" profile_id="{$option.facebook_profile}"></fb:fan>

I presume (have not tested) that if you increase the height, it will work.

As far as your text color, it seems very readable to me from the pic except for the facebook text. In the ACP there is an option to change the fb text based on light/dark backgrounds. The issue is...with light backgrounds the text is black, and with dark backgrounds the text is grey. I have the same issue where my background is grey. I was informed today the text color is controlled by fb and we could not change it. I am exploring the matter further but for now we seem stuck. See Brogan's reply at the end of this thread > http://xenforo.com/community/threads/determine-template-location-by-code.13862/#post-181523
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