Flexile Dark

Flexile Dark

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EWRporta_Block_FaceBook template

<div class="section">
    <div class="secondaryContent" id="facebook" style="padding-bottom: 5px;">
        <h3>Facebook Group</h3>
        <script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script>
        <fb:fan width="240" height="286" connections="12" stream="false" logobar="false" css="{$xenOptions.boardUrl}/js/8wayrun/facebook.css?1" profile_id="{$option.facebook_profile}"></fb:fan>

I presume (have not tested) that if you increase the height, it will work.

As far as your text color, it seems very readable to me from the pic except for the facebook text. In the ACP there is an option to change the fb text based on light/dark backgrounds. The issue is...with light backgrounds the text is black, and with dark backgrounds the text is grey. I have the same issue where my background is grey. I was informed today the text color is controlled by fb and we could not change it. I am exploring the matter further but for now we seem stuck. See Brogan's reply at the end of this thread > http://xenforo.com/community/threads/determine-template-location-by-code.13862/#post-181523

Thanks mate, changed the height from 216 to 226 and it looks great now. FB text is still hard to read but really not so bad. The Like button is clear as day. The only thing that cant be read is '11 People like MMAZone Australia'
Thx for the explanation Erik. That is exactly how I set my site up. I just got concerned with nesting so many layers.

As far as Flexile Dark goes, I love it. I have noticed some oddities which I would like to bring to your attention. I could correct them on my own, but I think you would be interested in changing at least some of them for the style.

From the first image below:
1. On forum threads the "Share This Page" text is black on a dark background so it's very hard to read.
2. The BBCode section looks a bit odd to me. It isn't colored with the rest of the style. It could be left I guess but you may want to choose a color within the style.

From the second image:
The "Thread Display Options" located at the bottom of the forum thread list is not readable as it is dark text on a dark background.
Thanks. The dark text colors will be changed in the next update. As far as the WYSIWYG editor, the icons and the rest of the editor interface really don't work well on a dark background, so I just left it.

As far as the Smilies tab, is that a mod? I don't see that on my default XenForo install. If it is a modification, then the mod author needs to fix that, as they should be drawing colors from the color palette, not hard coding the colors as it appears they are doing. :)

another minor item, the selected page for items with multiple pages is dark so it's really hard to see

View attachment 12787
I think this is due to some customizations you may have made. By default it looks fine:
Hi Erik,

Do you know how I can get the FB chat module looking 'normal' IE changing the text colour to be readable and changing the size of the box or something so the names arent cut off at the bottom? This is currently being used in XenPorta, i posted a question there first but no one seems to have an idea how to fix it. Cheers mate.
Yeah, unfortunately Facebook completely controls the text color here, so there's really nothing you can do other than possibly changing the background color for that specific sidebar block. :)
As far as the Smilies tab, is that a mod?

Yes it's a mod you can see here. Normally it wouldn't be worth mentioning but Kier has put out the last few updates of the add-on since the original developer disappeared. I'll be sure to share with him he should do a better job :cool: (just teasing!)
Is there a xml file somewhere for Flexile Light? I searched the thread and did a forum search but came up empty.
Yeah, unfortunately Facebook completely controls the text color here, so there's really nothing you can do other than possibly changing the background color for that specific sidebar block. :)

Hi Erikl,

Can I be a n00b and ask how I would go about doing that? Thanks
Is there a xml file somewhere for Flexile Light? I searched the thread and did a forum search but came up empty.
You'll find it in the first post of the style thread titled Flexile. :)
It's also included in the Flexile Dark download (style-Flexile.xml - it's the exact same file).

Hi Erikl,

Can I be a n00b and ask how I would go about doing that? Thanks
Add this to EXTRA.css, obviously replacing HEXCOLOR with the color of your choice. :)
.sidebar .secondaryContent#facebook {
	background: #HEXCOLOR;
Is the original Flexile style referred to as Flexile light sometimes?

The confusion for me is from Jaxel's site http://www.8wayrun.com/ You can use the style chooser there to switch from Flexile Dark to Flexile Light. Is that a custom theme he made with off-white colors? I assumed it was an official inverted part of the dark style or something.
It's also included in the Flexile Dark download (style-Flexile.xml - it's the exact same file).

Add this to EXTRA.css, obviously replacing HEXCOLOR with the color of your choice. :)
.sidebar .secondaryContent#facebook {
background: #HEXCOLOR;

Thanks Erik, works great.
Is the original Flexile style referred to as Flexile light sometimes?

The confusion for me is from Jaxel's site http://www.8wayrun.com/ You can use the style chooser there to switch from Flexile Dark to Flexile Light. Is that a custom theme he made with off-white colors? I assumed it was an official inverted part of the dark style or something.

He simply renamed the regular Flexile to Flexile Light and then made some customizations. :)

Is there any way to get rid of the scrollbar I'm seeing here, when the signature is right justified?
Page width controller is set to: 72% with min-width: 853px;
^ Ignore, cured it.
My custom signature height limiter was messing with the:

Okay so the first issue is the attached file: "bluebox.png"

How do I put something inside the boxes so they do not look so ugly or get rid of it completely?

Second issue:

I don't understand why the edit bar "reply bar" is whited out?

Okay so the first issue is the attached file: "bluebox.png"
View attachment 13547View attachment 13548

How do I put something inside the boxes so they do not look so ugly or get rid of it completely?

Second issue:
View attachment 13548

I don't understand why the edit bar "reply bar" is whited out?

It looks as if some of the images didn't get uploaded, there was a change with the editor back on RC2/3 I think which did mess up the editor on some styles. I'd look into Flexile Dark's release thread and make sure you uploaded the appropriate images.
I'm freaking pumped for 1.0.1. This'll be the first style I've ever used on xenForo, and I'm anxious to try it out.
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