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Find Unanswered Threads 1.0.5

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This is extremely useful for most information forums!

It allows those "helpful" members to find the unanswered threads and then answer them!
Since this doesn't seem to be packaged as other add-ons, can installation instructions be added? For example, the files are downloaded and now what does the person do?
Since navigation is replaced on my forums, what is the proper link to retrieve the unanswered threads? For example, what's new is /find-new then what would be unanswered threads ?

Update: pathto/community/unanswered/threads --- appears to work
Installed this in the latest xenforo, and the link doesn't show up anywhere. Seems to have installed okay. The "Place the "Unanswered Threads" link in the Forum Navigation Tab" is checked.

Any ideas?
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