File health Check: File does not contain expected contents


Well-known member
I'm getting this problem while checking file health:

File does not contain expected contents.

Is anyone else getting this? I tried re-uploading the file, but it still remains.. should I be worried since it's a permission file?

Did you re-upload from your local version or did you re-download the file and upload it? If the former, re-download the zip file and upload that file again.
James, at first I tried from the local, than I re-downloaded and tried again and I still have the same error. The file says 72kb, both local and on the server. I opened it up and it seems complete..

Any ideas?
The hash file could possibly be the problem I suppose.

I would suggest downloading the .zip once more and uploading all files again.

Which FTP program do you use?
Nothing like the good ol' Filezilla ftp to the rescue. I just uploaded the file with filezilla and it worked :D

Both with Transmit & Forklift was giving the same problem. Wonder why most of these paid FTP clients do this.. ?

Thanks guys!
With filezilla it's ok.
Many other ftp-progs change the unvisible EOF-Mark of scripts and therefore you get a error message resp. a other hash.
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