Big Dan
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  • is having issues for me in Chrome page 3 and 5 are fine.
    It looks like the image is messing things up ?

    You might want to change your official home page to ?
    • Like
    Reactions: Big Dan
    Big Dan
    Big Dan
    Thanks Doc. I'd changed domains and forgotten to update the URL in my profile though my old domain should just 301.
    Hellooooo, Danno!
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    Big Dan
    Big Dan
    Randy A
    The software is just too young for many issues logged, to many future fixes, etc...I'll wait until many of the bugs/fixes are taken care of before making any change to XF.
    Big Dan
    Big Dan
    Yeah I probably should've given it until 1.5 but everything looked good on the test installs I did.. Didn't realize the lack of backend tools because I had no use for them on the test install. D'Oh.

    You live and you learn, I'll know better next time. :)
    Welcome to the forums. I'm Marc from Admin-Talk, ;)
    If you need anything, just ask.
    Big Dan
    Big Dan
    Thanks Marc, thought I recognized the name. :)
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