XF 1.5 Facebook error - Upgrade 1.5.0 to latest version OK?


Well-known member
I need to upgrade from 1.5.0 as Facebook integration has stopped working. I see the new version is all the way up to 1.5.22.

I am assuming it's fine to download 1.5.22 and upgrade directly? Or should I just go to 1.5.17 which "Drop the use of 'assoc' from Twitter and Facebook redirects".

PS. The Facebook error stemmed from the fact that the FB account the integration was done under was deleted (duh!) so I had to start again and now I am getting URL not whitelisted errors when trying to associate an account, which from searching here is because FB doesn't accept dynamic URLs anymore... it probably hasn't been working for a while but I have only just been informed by a member. And all associated FB accounts have gone to "unknown user".
You can always upgrade directly from one XF version to any later version.

It is always recommended to be on the latest available version.
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