@Chris D
don't know why but they wanted me to tell you this...
One more info for your developer ...
[root@web10 vault]# identify -list format
Format Module Mode Description
A* RAW rw+ Raw alpha samples
ART* ART r-- PFS: 1st Publisher
Format originally used on the Macintosh (MacPaint?) and later used
for PFS: 1st Publisher clip art. NOT the AOL ART format.
AVI* AVI r-- Microsoft Audio/Visual Interleaved
AVS* AVS rw+ AVS X image
B* RAW rw+ Raw blue samples
BMP* BMP rw- Microsoft Windows bitmap image
BMP2* BMP -w- Microsoft Windows bitmap image v2
BMP3* BMP -w- Microsoft Windows bitmap image v3
C* RAW rw+ Raw cyan samples
CACHE* CACHE --- Magick Persistent Cache image format
CAPTION* CAPTION r-- Image caption
CIN* CIN rw+ Cineon Image File
CIP* CIP -w- Cisco IP phone image format
CLIP* CLIP -w+ Image Clip Mask
CMYK* CMYK rw+ Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black samples
CMYKA* CMYK rw+ Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and opacity samples
CUR* CUR rw- Microsoft icon
CUT* CUT r-- DR Halo
DCM* DCM r-- Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine image
DICOM is used by the medical community for images like X-rays. The
specification, "Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
(DICOM)", is available at
http://medical.nema.org/. In particular,
see part 5 which describes the image encoding (RLE, JPEG, JPEG-LS),
and supplement 61 which adds JPEG-2000 encoding.
DCX* PCX rw+ ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush
DNG* DNG r-- Digital Negative
DOT DOT --- Graphviz
DPS DPS --- Display Postscript Interpreter
DPX* DPX rw+ SMPTE 268M-2003 (DPX)
Digital Moving Picture Exchange Bitmap, Version 2.0.
See SMPTE 268M-2003 specification at
EPDF PDF rw- Encapsulated Portable Document Format
EPI PS rw- Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
EPS PS rw- Encapsulated PostScript
EPS2* PS2 -w- Level II Encapsulated PostScript
EPS3* PS3 -w+ Level III Encapsulated PostScript
EPSF PS rw- Encapsulated PostScript
EPSI PS rw- Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
EPT EPT rw- Encapsulated PostScript with TIFF preview
EPT2 EPT rw- Encapsulated PostScript Level II with TIFF preview
EPT3 EPT rw+ Encapsulated PostScript Level III with TIFF preview
FAX* FAX rw+ Group 3 FAX
See TIFF format. Note that FAX machines use non-square pixels which
are 1.5 times wider than they are tall but computer displays use
square pixels. FAX images may appear to be narrow unless they are
explicitly resized using a resize specification of "150x100%".
FITS* FITS rw- Flexible Image Transport System
FRACTAL* PLASMA r-- Plasma fractal image
G* RAW rw+ Raw green samples
G3* FAX rw- Group 3 FAX
GIF* GIF rw+ CompuServe graphics interchange format
GIF87* GIF rw- CompuServe graphics interchange format (version 87a)
GRADIENT* GRADIENT r-- Gradual passing from one shade to another
GRAY* GRAY rw+ Raw gray samples
HISTOGRAM* HISTOGRAM -w- Histogram of the image
HTM* HTML -w- Hypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map
HTML* HTML -w- Hypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map
ICB* TGA rw+ Truevision Targa image
ICO* ICON rw- Microsoft icon
ICON* ICON rw- Microsoft icon
INFO INFO -w+ The image format and characteristics
JNG* PNG rw- JPEG Network Graphics
http://www.libpng.org/pub/mng/ for details about the JNG format.
The JNG 1.0 specification is available there and at
JPEG* JPEG rw- Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format (62)
JPG* JPEG rw- Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
K* RAW rw+ Raw black samples
LABEL* LABEL r-- Image label
M* RAW rw+ Raw magenta samples
M2V MPEG rw+ MPEG Video Stream
MAP* MAP rw- Colormap intensities and indices
MAT* MAT rw+ MATLAB image format
MIFF* MIFF rw+ Magick Image File Format
MNG* PNG rw+ Multiple-image Network Graphics (libpng 1.2.10)
http://www.libpng.org/pub/mng/ for details about the MNG format.
The MNG 1.0 specification is available there and at
MONO* MONO rw- Bi-level bitmap in least-significant-byte first order
MPC* MPC rw+ Magick Persistent Cache image format
MPEG MPEG rw+ MPEG Video Stream
MPG MPEG rw+ MPEG Video Stream
MSL* MSL rw+ Magick Scripting Language
MTV* MTV rw+ MTV Raytracing image format
MVG* MVG rw- Magick Vector Graphics
NULL* NULL rw- Constant image of uniform color
O* RAW rw+ Raw opacity samples
OTB* OTB rw- On-the-air bitmap
OTF* TTF r-- Open Type font (Freetype 2.2.1)
P7* PNM rw+ Xv thumbnail format
PAL* UYVY rw- 16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
PALM* PALM rw+ Palm pixmap
PAM* PNM -w+ Common 2-dimensional bitmap format
PATTERN* PATTERN r-- Predefined pattern
PBM* PNM rw+ Portable bitmap format (black and white)
PCD* PCD rw- Photo CD
PCDS* PCD rw- Photo CD
PCL PCL rw- Printer Control Language
PCT* PICT rw- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
PCX* PCX rw- ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush
PDB* PDB rw+ Palm Database ImageViewer Format
PDF PDF rw+ Portable Document Format
PFA* TTF r-- Postscript Type 1 font (ASCII) (Freetype 2.2.1)
PFB* TTF r-- Postscript Type 1 font (binary) (Freetype 2.2.1)
PGM* PNM rw+ Portable graymap format (gray scale)
PICON* XPM rw- Personal Icon
PICT* PICT rw- Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT
PIX* PIX r-- Alias/Wavefront RLE image format
PJPEG* JPEG rw- Progessive Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF
PLASMA* PLASMA r-- Plasma fractal image
PNG* PNG rw- Portable Network Graphics (libpng 1.2.10)
http://www.libpng.org/ for details about the PNG format. The
PNG 1.2 specification is available there and at
PNG24* PNG rw- 24-bit RGB PNG, opaque only (zlib 1.2.3)
PNG32* PNG rw- 32-bit RGBA PNG, semitransparency OK
PNG8* PNG rw- 8-bit indexed PNG, binary transparency only
PNM* PNM rw+ Portable anymap
PPM* PNM rw+ Portable pixmap format (color)
PREVIEW* PREVIEW -w- Show a preview an image enhancement, effect, or f/x
PS PS rw+ PostScript
PS2* PS2 -w+ Level II PostScript
PS3* PS3 -w+ Level III PostScript
PSD* PSD rw+ Adobe Photoshop bitmap
PTIF* TIFF rw- Pyramid encoded TIFF
PWP* PWP r-- Seattle Film Works
R* RAW rw+ Raw red samples
RAS* SUN rw+ SUN Rasterfile
RGB* RGB rw+ Raw red, green, and blue samples
RGBA* RGB rw+ Raw red, green, blue, and alpha samples
RGBO* RGB rw+ Raw red, green, blue, and opacity samples
RLA* RLA r-- Alias/Wavefront image
RLE* RLE r-- Utah Run length encoded image
SCR* SCR r-- ZX-Spectrum SCREEN$
SCT* SCT r-- Scitex HandShake
SFW* SFW r-- Seattle Film Works
SGI* SGI rw+ Irix RGB image
SHTML* HTML -w- Hypertext Markup Language and a client-side image map
STEGANO* STEGANO r-- Steganographic image
SUN* SUN rw+ SUN Rasterfile
SVG* SVG rw+ Scalable Vector Graphics (XML 2.6.26)
SVGZ* SVG rw+ Compressed Scalable Vector Graphics (XML 2.6.26)
TEXT* TXT rw+ Text
TGA* TGA rw+ Truevision Targa image
TIFF* TIFF rw+ Tagged Image File Format (LIBTIFF, Version 3.8.2)
TILE* TILE r-- Tile image with a texture
TTC* TTF r-- TrueType font collection (Freetype 2.2.1)
TTF* TTF r-- TrueType font (Freetype 2.2.1)
TXT* TXT rw+ Text
UIL* UIL -w- X-Motif UIL table
UYVY* UYVY rw- 16bit/pixel interleaved YUV
VDA* TGA rw+ Truevision Targa image
VICAR* VICAR rw- VICAR rasterfile format
VID* VID rw+ Visual Image Directory
VIFF* VIFF rw+ Khoros Visualization image
VST* TGA rw+ Truevision Targa image
WBMP* WBMP rw- Wireless Bitmap (level 0) image
WMF* WMF r-- Windows Meta File
WMZ* WMZ r-- Compressed Windows Meta File
WPG* WPG r-- Word Perfect Graphics
X* X rw+ X Image
XBM* XBM rw- X Windows system bitmap (black and white)
XC* XC r-- Constant image uniform color
XCF* XCF r-- GIMP image
XPM* XPM rw- X Windows system pixmap (color)
XV* VIFF rw+ Khoros Visualization image
XWD* XWD rw- X Windows system window dump (color)
Y* RAW rw+ Raw yellow samples
YCbCr* YCbCr rw+ Raw Y, Cb, and Cr samples
YCbCrA* YCbCr rw+ Raw Y, Cb, Cr, and opacity samples
YUV* YUV rw- CCIR 601 4:1:1 or 4:2:2
* native blob support