Fixed Emails sent *to* XF forum appear *from* XF forum


Well-known member
Affected version
  1. Someone click "contact us", let's say

Expected Result:

Actual Result:
  • Email sent to admins from email, from name "Your Community" (whatever name you configure emails sent from forum are sent from)

This is confusing since when you click reply it appears to be sending email to your forum ("Your Community" - the same name emails originating from your forum are sent from - although with your default forum email address), even though it's actually sending it to
I think this is basically down to how your email client handles the sender's details being in the "Reply-To" header rather than the "From" header.

Given the behaviour you've described, I think you have this option switched off (which it is, by default):


Noting the description there, if you enabled that option (and tested again) you should find the issue is resolved.
To elaborate, without this enabled:

From Name = Forum Name
From Email = Default email address

With that enabled:

From Name = Forum Name
From Email = Sender Email

Expected with that enabled:

From Name = Sender Email
From Email = Sender Email
Problem is even though the email is from the sender, it appears to be from the forum. So, when you click reply, it is not apparent you are emailing the sender, not the forum.
I think you're going to have to demonstrate this with some screenshots, as this is not the behaviour I'm seeing in any case.

With it off:
From name does appear to be the forum name, but when you reply, of course, the correct email address (and no name):

With it on:
From name is the sender email. And when you reply:

Ultimately it looks like either the SMTP server or email client is doing it wrong as the screenshots above demonstrate the correct (and described) behaviour.
Unless you're talking about the bit in the subject, e.g. (from XF 2.0)?

In which case, that's just telling you where the contact form is hosted.
The difference is I'm sending emails from a forum user, in which case with this setting on doesn't appear from the sender (which is the bug). Sorry I didn't specify this earlier as I didn't think it was relevant. Please try to repro with forum email sent from user. (ACP > Setup > Options > Default Email Sender Name):

To be honest, we're still at a total loss as to what you're trying to explain here.

We've read through this thread a fair few times, and I've tried to reproduce any sort of issue, and so far I've been unable to.

Can you please attempt to come up with something that makes the issue you're experiencing more clear? Including screenshots and a more clear overview of exactly what you expect to be seeing vs what the actual behaviour is, etc.
Happy path:

1. ACP > Setup > Options > Default Email Sender Name not set
2. User with email submits contact us form
3. Email sent to admins with from name field and from address field of


Steps to repro:

1. ACP > Setup > Options > Default Email Sender Name set to Xenforo User "Admin"
2. User with email submits contact us form

Expected result:
- Email sent to admins with from name field and from address field of

Actual Result
- Email sent to admins with from name of "Admin" (user name in step 1) and from address of of
@rfc0001 could you attach a screengrab of your email options please? I've just tested it with the following settings, and it behaved as expected:


The result was an email sent to from TestUser <>, so it would be useful to see exactly what settings you're using so we can attempt to reproduce the issue using your exact configuration.
@rfc0001 can you confirm that you have enabled the Sender info in header on contact emails option?

I have the following results:

Sender info [ON]
Default email sender [Buggy McBugFace]
Result: Contact for email from: Username <>

Sender info [ON]
Default email sender [empty]
Result: Contact for email from: Username <>

Sender info [OFF]
Default email sender [Buggy McBugFace]
Result: Contact for email from: Buggy McBugFace <>

Sender info [OFF]
Default email sender [empty]
Result: Contact for email from: {Board Title Option Value} <>
We've put in a workaround for this, it should now send with the correct from name when Sender info in header on contact emails is disabled, as I suspect it is in your case, @rfc0001
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