Drift - Light

Drift - Light

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@Mike Creuzer Please don't forget about post #252. https://xenforo.com/community/resources/likes-youve-given.3086/

Let me know if you want me to create a ticket for this issue.
Pretty sure it's not going to be something he can do.. since the add-on is using a template modification consisting of
    <modification template="navigation_visitor_tab" modification_key="navigation_visitor_tab" description="" execution_order="10" enabled="1" action="str_replace">
      <find><![CDATA[<li><a href="{xen:link account/likes}">{xen:phrase likes_youve_received}</a></li>]]></find>
      <replace><![CDATA[<li><a href="{xen:link account/likes}">{xen:phrase likes_youve_received}</a></li>
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.enableLikesGiven}">
<li><a href="{xen:link account/likes-given}">{xen:phrase likes_youve_given}</a></li>
which, from my understanding is looking for a certain code in the template and then replaces it with the add-on one. The template info it is looking to replace is probably not present, therefor the template modification fails.
You can do similar to what the template modification is doing by finding the appropriate area and inserting it (or creating your own template mod) based upon the modified setup that is used by the style.

Basically you need to find something in the template that is similar to
<a href="{xen:link account/likes}">{xen:phrase likes_youve_received}
and add
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.enableLikesGiven}">
<li><a href="{xen:link account/likes-given}">{xen:phrase likes_youve_given}</a></li>
below it in a similar structure to what is there.

The template you will be looking in is navigation_visitor_tab.
Can't "update/merge" this??

- Box for "Merge Changes" is grayed out.

- If you click "Automatically Merge Changes" nothing happens.


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Also. Unless I'm misunderstanding Add Icons to Message Controls not working.


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Cool another update. You guys really do surpass expectations, and offer so many new features when you update, rather than just bug fixes alone. Great stuff.

I am currently on 1.3.4 and a few weeks ago updated to the 2nd latest version (1.3.5?) and it did not work. The breadcrumb was all messed up and the fixed navigation stopped working. I will have a go at updating to 1.4 over the weekend and see how I go.

I am also working on a WordPress front end. It has a fly out menu/navigation similar to Drift. I really need to figure out how to add additional menus and drop downs so that I can match the menu layout with my WordPress one. Can somebody provide some example code that I can copy and paste, and advise where to put it?

Thanks in advance.
@Mike Creuzer Please don't forget about post #252. https://xenforo.com/community/resources/likes-youve-given.3086/

Let me know if you want me to create a ticket for this issue.

As Tracy said plugins that edit that template conflict with UI.X. The reason is because we move the visitor information to a new template, thus making it more easily to customize, move around, etc. The default xenforo system lacks a bit, to their credit its a fantastic system its just not if you want to have full control.

Can't "update/merge" this??

- Box for "Merge Changes" is grayed out.

- If you click "Automatically Merge Changes" nothing happens.

Did you edit the register template on your child theme? Was it necessary? If not, revert it. If it was, what was it? I would just revert then make that change again (thats what I would do if you hired me to upgrade for you)

Also. Unless I'm misunderstanding Add Icons to Message Controls not working.

That setting is not for that area. Look under Drift settings. That setting you screenshot is for postbit message controls.

Cool another update. You guys really do surpass expectations, and offer so many new features when you update, rather than just bug fixes alone. Great stuff.

I am currently on 1.3.4 and a few weeks ago updated to the 2nd latest version (1.3.5?) and it did not work. The breadcrumb was all messed up and the fixed navigation stopped working. I will have a go at updating to 1.4 over the weekend and see how I go.

I am also working on a WordPress front end. It has a fly out menu/navigation similar to Drift. I really need to figure out how to add additional menus and drop downs so that I can match the menu layout with my WordPress one. Can somebody provide some example code that I can copy and paste, and advise where to put it?

Thanks in advance.

Glad you like the update! :)

Sorry to hear the upgrade did not go well. I cannot imagine what would break so long as you upgrade the .xml and upgrade the files. Doing that makes it exactly like our copy and everyone elses and thus (like 99%) no issues come up. The only thing I can attribute if you followed this process if a hiccup in the XenForo upgrading process. I do apologize all the same.

Which part of code do you want? Per our terms you are welcome to grab bits of the design, so long as it isnt redistributed as a product so its fine to grab what you need.
Exactly. My screenshot was of the postbit and there are no icons.
No, you are mis-understanding what the "message controls" are. They are the "Reply", "Edit", "History" links under the post(s).
The postbit has no icons in it for anything unless you specifically modify the template(s) to do that.
Screen Shot 2014-09-12 at 2.13.07 PM.webp
That setting is not for that area. Look under Drift settings. That setting you screenshot is for postbit message controls.

No, you are mis-understanding what the "message controls" are. They are the "Reply", "Edit", "History" links under the post(s).
The postbit has no icons in it for anything unless you specifically modify the template(s) to do that.
View attachment 83619

Thanks guys!
@Mike Creuzer

Thanks for the quick reply Mike.

Regards my previous question. I would like to add new menu options/drop downs to the Navbar and off canvas menu and need to know what template/s I need to find as well as what code I would need to copy edit and paste for this to work. Prior to the drift update that provided the off canvas menu, I did have some new menu links but they stopped the off canvas menu from working, so I deleted those edits. I am working on a WP front end (work in progress) www.gtarena.com/wordpress and would like to copy my finished WP off canvas menu layout and make it the same as my Drift off canvas menu.

Also lat time I updated, as mentioned it did not go so well. If I just want the theme to work, should I revert all templates. I do not mind if my own custom edits are overwritten, as I can quickly re do them. I just want the theme to work?

I will have a go at updating to the latest version now. I use Drift Light and Dark for my forums, and have them set as per the below. I am told now that drift and drift dark no longer need to be children of U.I.X? Is that correct? All themes can be independent?


Thanks again, and keep up the fab work, you guys are doing a great job.
I would like to add new menu options/drop downs to the Navbar and off canvas menu and need to know what template/s I need to find as well as what code I would need to copy edit and paste for this to work.

Well there is a lot of code to grab. You'll want to start with PAGE_CONTAINER and uix_offCanvasSidebar.css (I think thats what its called). Those 2 have all the code you need but there is <xen: code integrated with it so you'll need to go through line by line and grab what you need. Also, it requires modernizr.js.

We would be happy to do this job for you for a small fee if you create a request at our site. :)

Also lat time I updated, as mentioned it did not go so well. If I just want the theme to work, should I revert all templates. I do not mind if my own custom edits are overwritten, as I can quickly re do them. I just want the theme to work?

It is best to never edit any third-party product, themes especially. Do not edit UI.X, Drift, Drift Dark, anything. Instead make a child theme and edit that. If you have in fact done this perfectly, you can simply upgrade the product of your choosing.

If you have not done this, just install the product fresh, its easier than trying to revert everything. Style properties are a pain sometimes :P

I am told now that drift and drift dark no longer need to be children of U.I.X? Is that correct?

This is correct! :) But again still make all YOUR changes to a child theme.

Thanks again, and keep up the fab work, you guys are doing a great job.

Very much appreciate it, glad to help! Things can be tricky but we are here to help as much as we possibly can!

@Mike Creuzer Well after upgrading XF to 1.4 and upgrading my styles I still have outdated templates that will not merge

View attachment 83691

View attachment 83692

What version of XF and what version of Drift?
Pretty sure it's not going to be something he can do.. since the add-on is using a template modification consisting of
    <modification template="navigation_visitor_tab" modification_key="navigation_visitor_tab" description="" execution_order="10" enabled="1" action="str_replace">
      <find><![CDATA[<li><a href="{xen:link account/likes}">{xen:phrase likes_youve_received}</a></li>]]></find>
      <replace><![CDATA[<li><a href="{xen:link account/likes}">{xen:phrase likes_youve_received}</a></li>
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.enableLikesGiven}">
<li><a href="{xen:link account/likes-given}">{xen:phrase likes_youve_given}</a></li>
which, from my understanding is looking for a certain code in the template and then replaces it with the add-on one. The template info it is looking to replace is probably not present, therefor the template modification fails.
You can do similar to what the template modification is doing by finding the appropriate area and inserting it (or creating your own template mod) based upon the modified setup that is used by the style.

Basically you need to find something in the template that is similar to
<a href="{xen:link account/likes}">{xen:phrase likes_youve_received}
and add
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.enableLikesGiven}">
<li><a href="{xen:link account/likes-given}">{xen:phrase likes_youve_given}</a></li>
below it in a similar structure to what is there.

The template you will be looking in is navigation_visitor_tab.

Mike, is this the reason some of Waindigo's addons do not play nice with Drift?

I just installed one of his addons, Discussion Count by Waindigo and it's not showing in the visitor panel.

Also, on a seperate note do not know why the text here is getting larger. ;)
Mike, is this the reason some of Waindigo's addons do not play nice with Drift?

I just installed one of his addons, Discussion Count by Waindigo and it's not showing in the visitor panel.
I'm not Mike... but I have a pretty good idea of what the problem is.

Any mod that modifies the template system with a search and replace will NOT work with some custom styles that do not use the standard templates (which is what gives you a lot of the nice looks). All of them can be fixed by the end user with a little looking around at the template that it is doing the replace on and then modifying the template in use by the style.
All mods are not plug & play with styles. Some of them take a little bit of work to get them to do what they do on the default templates.
@Mike Creuzer I am still having issues with outdated templates, this is now becoming an issue for me as I have two forum to manage both having the following set of styles from you.


I am not even going to try and do the XF 1.4 upgrade on my second forum because I need to know that it will not be a case of having to redo all my styles from scratch one again!

My structure are like this on both forums.


However I am still sitting with this issue on the first forum that I have upgraded.

You do know that on the new styles it should be like this, correct?
----->Drift Child Style
----->UI.X Child Style

Each new style contains it's own UI.X base. I know that I had to export my child styles out and then start the base styles over from scratch and import the related child style to that parent. There was a warning (if I remember correctly) about the need to change the way of doing it up shortly after UI.X was rolled in.
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