Donation Manager Sidebar [Deleted]

Actually I don't think there is an issue. You appear to be on PHP 5.2. Minimum version for it is PHP 5.3.

Which will be the minimum version for all my add-ons as they progress.
Actually I don't think there is an issue. You appear to be on PHP 5.2. Minimum version for it is PHP 5.3.

Which will be the minimum version for all my add-ons as they progress.

Nope, got it changed over to php 5.3 about 2 months ago :).
It looks exactly the same to me, but in case I've missed something here's the one I have:

<?php namespace Robbo\DonationManagerSidebar;

class Listener {

public static function initDependencies(\XenForo_Dependencies_Abstract $dependencies, array $data)
\XenForo_CodeEvent::addListener('widget_framework_ready', __CLASS__.'::widgetFrameworkReady');

public static function widgetFrameworkReady(&$renderers)
$renderers[] = 'Robbo\DonationManagerSidebar\WidgetFramework\Goal';
$renderers[] = 'Robbo\DonationManagerSidebar\WidgetFramework\TopDonors';
$renderers[] = 'Robbo\DonationManagerSidebar\WidgetFramework\TopDonations';

I'm in the process of confirming with my host (Hostgator) that am still running on php 5.3 so will get back to you on that one.
Well my apologies, I contacted Hostgator and it seems the mong I spoke to initially hadn't put it over to 5.3 properly. Is done now and the widget installed and working nicely.

Sorry to have bothered you.
Is there a trick to getting the widget to show up? I cannot for the life of me get it working. I have the options for the normal sidebar active, plus have it in the forum_list and still it doesn't show.
I replied in the other thread. For faster support that won't get lost in replies you can use the support email.
The line according to the error is and that line is the same as many other files :/ Usually you get that error when on a PHP version that doesn't support namespaces (<5.3). So no idea what is going on.

Does this file look the same for you?
Hey robo i getting this again but i check my php version and this its i have
HP Version 5.3.27

SystemLinux 3.10.27 #1 SMP Thu Jan 16 18:09:20 CST 2014 x86_64
Hey robo i getting this again but i check my php version and this its i have
HP Version 5.3.27

SystemLinux 3.10.27 #1 SMP Thu Jan 16 18:09:20 CST 2014 x86_64
Then something is wrong with the server still. PHP 5.3.x might only be on the CLI side and not the nginx/apache side.
No not yet. I want to improve this to allow different types of blocks, maybe with their own criteria etc. But like usual what I want to do and what I have time to do are two very different things. I really need to find someone with time I can give profits to do this for me.
I there any way we can add a "List all donations" link to the bottom of the Top Donations widget? (like it shows on the show donations page).
How do I get this to show on the sidebar? I've tried to active it on the Widget List but it still does not show?
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