[DigitalPoint] PWA

[DigitalPoint] PWA 1.2.4

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If you have shell access, see if you can run curl from the shell. Then you can at least know if it’s an overall server thing or limited to PHP.

Either way it’s an underlying network connectivity issue with the server.
@digitalpoint can we disable this for browsers? It's annoying...
Well just as easy an a setting, you could toggle off the helper_js_global template modification it does and it will stop that.

Hi @digitalpoint,

Would this add-on need any XF 2.3 adjustments to work properly?

I don't see any errors, but I'm unsure about the add-on's code vs. XF 2.3 changes.

I haven't tested it exhaustively, but there's nothing I can think of that would pop up. The JavaScript was already migrated away from jQuery a couple versions ago.
I haven't tested it exhaustively, but there's nothing I can think of that would pop up. The JavaScript was already migrated away from jQuery a couple versions ago.
It needs an update unfortunately; if you enable it and open the console on any XF page you'll see:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'XF.Push.updateUserSubscription')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'updateUserSubscription')
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