[DigitalPoint] PWA

Beta [DigitalPoint] PWA 1.2.3

No permission to download
While, I don't personally think it's a great idea, you can use XenForo's notice system to present users with the option to install the PWA app (similar to how they see it in the sidebar menu on mobile) by using the following HTML in your notice (this is literally a copy/paste from how the sidebar menu does it):

<div class="offCanvasMenu-installBanner js-installPromptContainer" style="display: none;" data-xf-init="install-prompt">
    <div class="offCanvasMenu-installBanner-header">Install the app</div>
    <button type="button" class="js-installPromptButton button"><span class="button-text">Install</span></button>
    <template class="js-installTemplateIOS">
        <div class="overlay-title">How to install the app on iOS</div>
        <div class="block-body">
            <div class="block-row">
                    Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
                <p style="text-align: center">
                    <img src="/styles/default/xenforo/add_to_home.gif" width="222" height="480">
                    <small><strong>Note:</strong> This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.</small>
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