I love everything that
@DragonByte Tech creates; Fillip is a trusted and excellent developer for the community. What I am curious about is how flexible and customizable the individual group ownership experience is for the forum user who wants to start a group? The screenshots don't give a 360 degree view of what that experience is like, and probably couldn't without a huge amount of them!
So, not to be annoying, but I have a few questions:
Member Roles: Can I, as site admin for example, set a predefined number of member roles for our group owners to choose from? Right now we have a total of five group roles that manage everything from newly recruited/joined members to the group leader. Also, is there any ability for the group owner to create new roles and designate permissions to their roles for use within their group?
Import from Nobita: Is the import feature a complete import of all content? Groups, members, newsfeeds, etc.?
....I started this post off with a great idea of line item questions, but that's gotten a little lost while I've been typing - either that or I really need sleep or coffee.
Since it's not something that can be tested from the front and backends, and because our members are familiar with a different product, I just want to get the best feel possible for how much control our members will have over their groups, because as an extension of themselves, they should have a good deal of control to manage their groups how they see fit internally and as seamlessly as possible, IMO.
Other than that, are there 'extras' already in the package or planned for additional customization - like vanity URLs for example?
Whoever commissioned this project (
@CallingHome ), made a good call. A powerful, full featured, group module is a must have for so many community forums to provide our members their own home, within the community.
Does this integrate with XFMG, and have it's own events system built in? Very popular features.
I've been watching this off and on, as time has allowed, and am
very excited about it and how it could provide my users a more solid, powerful, trusted, and supported groups platform - so I do apologize for the long post, and questions as I try to figure out if now is a time to move to this solution.
Thank you!