[DBTech] DragonByte Social Groups

[DBTech] DragonByte Social Groups 2.0.0

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Update highlights​

This version is now considered stable. All known issues have been resolved.

This version also features usability improvements for group join requests as well as group membership lists. It is now possible to cancel group membership requests, and leave groups directly from the membership list.

Complete Change Log​

Feature: View your own pending join requests / groups you've been banned from (#178)
Feature: Allow viewing other users' pending group requests / group bans (#178)
Feature: Ability to leave groups directly from your own membership lists
Change: Discussions in sections now also show the group name in discussion lists (#177)
Change: Don't send an alert about being removed as supervisor on group reassign (#179)
Change: IP addresses are now purged from group member logs when the "actor" is deleted (#180)
Fix: Attempting to view invited users would produce a server error
Fix: Attempting to view your group invitations would produce a server error
Fix: Show "(deleted member)" instead of nothing when the member who banned someone from a group is deleted (#180)
Fix: Fix server errors when viewing certain Membership pages

Update highlights​

!!!This version requires PHP 8.0+!!!

This version mainly introduces compatibility with XenForo 2.3. The add-on has been fully updated, meaning no compatibility layers such as loading jQuery or other such patches are required for this add-on.

One thing to mention; Embed support has been added to Discussion and Message content types.

Furthermore, a few reported bugs since the release of the last version for XenForo 2.2 have also been resolved.

Complete Change Log​

Feature: Add Embed support to Discussion and Message
Change: Replace deprecated function calls
Change: Update entity references to use class-string
Change: Updated macros to XF 2.3 format
Change: Replace various references with class-string<T> equivalents
Change: Update code for PHP 8.0
Change: Add compatibility with new XenForo 2.3 Beta 6 feature
Change: Remove "XenForo" from copyright footer
Change: Necessary changes for the new XenForo 2.3 coding style
Change: Automatically clean up files on upgrade
Fix: Removed unnecessary JS code
Fix: Message editing used the wrong JS file
Fix: Quick discussion issues
Fix: Fixed template modifications
Fix: Fix CSS compatibility
Fix: Fix various missing FontAwesome icons
Fix: Fix inconsistent confirmUrl behaviour with deletion
Fix: Fix server error when editing discussion messages
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Update highlights

!!!This version requires PHP 7.4+!!!

This version adds numerous quality-of-life updates, please see the changelog for a complete list.

Several bugs have also been resolved.

This version also refactors some backend code and fixes a compatibility issue with PHP 8.4.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Add WebP support for group banners (Requires DragonByte WebP v1.0.0+ installed)
Feature: Add WebP support for group icons (Requires DragonByte WebP v1.0.0+ installed)
Feature: Add group name to alert phrases (#165)
Change: Replace xfmg_media with nav.xfmg where appropriate (#173)
Change: Refactored backend code
Change: Bump minimum PHP version to 7.4 and recommended version to 8.2
Fix: "Approve / reject members" supervisor permission did not work as intended (#174)
Fix: Supervisors with "Approve/Reject Members" permission could be unable to perform those duties (#174)
Fix: Fix canVote check for polls to use the correct group flag (#172)
Fix: Fix not all media showing on the dbtech-social/media route in certain circumstances (#171)
Fix: Fix server error on import
Fix: Attempt to fix a duplicate key exception while using database replication (#170)
Fix: Fix PHP 8.4 compatibility issue
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Update highlights

This version, named 1.2.5 due to the size of the changelog, mostly focuses on bug fixes and UX improvements.

It does contain one notable new feature, however; Group Member Log. Supervisors and group owners can now view a log of events, such as users joining/leaving/banned/unbanned, etc. Please note the log will only start accumulating events after upgrading, there are no historical records to view.

Please refer to the full changelog for a list of changes and bug fixes.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Invite-only group warning to group administrators (#161)
Feature: Group Member Log (#147)
Change: Add group name to group wrapper description (#166)
Change: Group icons/banners now have a hashed filename (#167)
Change: Group invitations are now removed when a user is placed on ignore (#163)
Change: Banning a non-member from a group no longer alerts the user being banned (#162)
Change: You can no longer invite users who are ignoring you (#163)
Change: Validate all group invites before actually submitting any group invites
Change: Add strike-through for soft-deleted groups in the AdminCP "confirm delete" dialog (#157)
Fix: The GROUP BBCode did not work for normal users, only moderators (#169)
Fix: Fix potential server errors when uploading invalid icons or banners (#164)
Fix: Media Items / Albums / Album Comments would not be marked as viewed (#160)
Fix: Fix missing bookmark templates (#159)
Fix: A server error could occur if the Message or Group Comment Reply did not have a valid IP address
Fix: Potentially fix duplicate key exception (#158)
Fix: Fix pagination on the Banned and Invite pages (#156)
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Reactions: Alpha1
Update highlights

This version is a minor release with mostly bugfixes, but it does contain a few new features as well :)

If enabled for social group owners, group owners can now set their group's locale / language. You as the administrator must ensure this feature is enabled in the XenForo Options for SocialGroups if you want this feature accessible to group owners.

Other than that, there's now a new notice if a group is owned by the "default group takeover user".

Lastly, a few bugs that were discovered after the release of v1.2 have also been resolved.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Per-group locale setting
Feature: Add "Banned" badge text for group membership views
Feature: Add notice for abandoned groups
Fix: Fix race condition where a temp file is deleted partway through upload
Fix: Fix default social group owner options check when saving groups in the front-end
Fix: Fix server error when attempting to check Terms of Service
Fix: Fix potential server error when adding media to a social group
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Reactions: Alpha1
Update highlights

The second major update to Social Groups is here 🎉

There's one major feature I want to highlight; Sections. This is the most requested feature since the v1.1 update, and it allows social group owners to create what are effectively sub-forums inside their social groups.

Sections have access to most configuration options available to the social group, such as discussion sort order / whether posts count etc, with one major change; sections can be flagged as staff-only. Only group supervisors (and site staff) can access the sections and discussions within if this flag is enabled.

The entire Sections feature can be turned off via an off-switch in the XenForo Options, and how many sections can be created per social group/whether they can create nested sections can be controlled via user group permissions.

Other peripheral features related to Sections; Discussions can be moved between the social group root and sections. The importer from Truonglv's "Social Groups" add-on has been updated to support importing its forums as sections.

Another feature I'd like to highlight is the addition of an optional "Terms of Service" feature. If you create a new "Page" node and choose it in the relevant XenForo Options setting, any time users create a new social group or edit an existing social group, they will be asked to agree to the "Terms of Service" before they can press the "Save" button. The terms will be rendered in a scrollable area above the "Save" button.

This feature was added to cater to the use cases where social groups may require a different/additional legal notice when compared to the site-wide Terms of Service. The feature is disabled by default.

There are a lot of other smaller features and changes, please see the changelog for the full list.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Sections (#99)
Feature: New banner to indicate whether a post was made by a non-member of the social group (#124)
Feature: Ability to join Private groups that accept new members (#141)
Feature: Add widget showing group creation / joining limits (#143)
Feature: Optional "Terms of Service" page for group add/edit form in the front-end (#139)
Feature: Show a notice if group is invite-only (#134)
Feature: New permission: Join social group (#131)
Feature: Add "Your groups" to main "Social Groups" menu (#130)
Feature: Add "New social groups" to "What's new" (#126)
Change: Use member's join date as the moderation date (#146)
Change: "Can join group" check now also checks group bans (#141)
Change: "Social group memberships" counter in the profile view now includes owned groups (#133)
Change: Groups under moderation can no longer add content or invite members (#138)
Change: Member list is now sorted alphabetically, with supervisors listed first (#140)
Change: XFMG media list / media items are now only accessible to group members (#135)
Change: Social group owners and supervisors can always reply to discussions (#122)
Change: Social group owners and supervisors can always start discussions (#122)
Fix: Attachments in Public groups can now be viewed by everyone (#144)
Fix: Ensure we check "View group" permission everywhere it makes sense (#136)
Fix: Remove double "Awaiting approval" notice
Fix: Fix server error when deleting social groups with discussions
Fix: Fix a server error if Join Group or Reject Invite checks failed
Fix: Users with no permissions to access the social groups feature no longer see its search tabs (#127)
Fix: New users who are invited to a social group would not be able to see the invitation (#129)
Fix: Users with no permission to access social groups can no longer be invited (#132)
Fix: Fix server error on certain routes if XFMG integration was enabled (#128)
Update highlights

The first major update to Social Groups is finally here 🎉

The biggest feature added is XenForo Media Gallery Integration. With the appropriate permissions, group members can either link an existing album they own, or create a brand new one, directly from within their social groups. The URLs of the albums/media items will also reflect what group the albums/media items are in.

The other really notable feature is Virtual Category. By adding a new node with the "Social group list" node type, a list is added to the forum list containing all social groups the current user is a member of, in the same style as existing forums. This can really help make the social groups feel like a part of your forum!

You can now also search for social groups themselves, rather than just topics within them. Great for discoverability.

Social group owners and supervisors with the appropriate permissions can now also add "Related threads" to their group. These threads are shown in a new widget on the Group Overview page, and links to existing threads in normal forums that the group staff believe are relevant to this social group.

Speaking of widgets, most panels on the "Group Overview" page have been converted to Wigets, and can therefore be re-ordered in the Appearance -> Widgets page in the AdminCP. Of course, this also means they can be outright removed as well, if you don't want to use f.ex. the "Latest messages" widget.

Messages posted in social groups now count towards the user's total message count. If you don't want this, you can disable it in the XenForo Options for this add-on. You can optionally only disable message counts for certain group types such as Private or Hidden groups, or tick all the boxes to disable message counts for all group types.

There are a bunch of other smaller features and changes, please see the changelog for the full list.

Complete Change Log

Feature: XFMG integration
Feature: Virtual category
Feature: Search for social groups
Feature: Related Threads
Feature: Sticky groups
Feature: Batch invite users
Feature: Widget: New Messages
Feature: Widget: New Messages
Feature: Widget: Social group statistics
Feature: Widget: Joined Groups
Feature: Widget: New Groups
Feature: Widget: Owned Groups
Feature: Widget: Random Groups
Feature: Widget: Featured Groups
Feature: Widget: Tag Cloud
Feature: Re-order / remove "Group Overview" panels
Feature: New group option: Allow new discussions
Feature: Count social group messages towards users' total message counts
Change: Improve compatibility with databases setup for replication
Change: Add "Awaiting approval" text to group membership lists
Fix: Fix default permission for "createGroup"
Fix: Editing a supervisor would not load the correct existing permissions
Fix: Fix incorrect table references causing SQL errors during search
Fix: "Join Group" button no longer appears for banned non-members
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