[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets

[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets [Paid] 3.0.0

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DragonByte Tech

Well-known member
DragonByte Tech submitted a new resource:

[DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets - Handle support tickets for your DragonByte eCommerce products.

This product requires DragonByte eCommerce to function!

DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets is the perfect companion to DragonByte eCommerce, allowing you to easily deal with any support query your users might have.

Fully integrated with XenForo 2.1 and DragonByte eCommerce, Tickets uses forums to house your support tickets, giving you the...

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Is this GDPR compliant or are you planning it to be? i.e. does this have secure storage of private information and automatic deletion of such?
For example passwords, payment details, personal info, etc.
Is this GDPR compliant or are you planning it to be? i.e. does this have secure storage of private information and automatic deletion of such?
For example passwords, payment details, personal info, etc.
This system does not have any method for storing such information, just like there isn't @ our site just now. It's something I've been thinking about, but given the fact that it would take some doing to produce a truly secure information storage, it's not like I can just throw it together in five minutes.

For this reason, and because it uses XF's threads / forums, there's nothing about this system that pertains to GDPR that would not happen by using threads to handle support queries without the added eCommece integration this mod brings.

In order to create a properly secure information storage, I would need to create an encryption system that generates a random encryption key that is emailed to both the ticket starter and the assigned agent. Possibly a new user group permission to determine whether someone always receives all encryption keys, similar to how there's a permission to only list assigned tickets.

The key cannot be stored anywhere on the server, or the system is 100% worthless from a security perspective.

In short, this mod is exactly what you currently see @ our site, so if it doesn't exist @ our site then it also doesn't exist in this mod :)
I would only need ticket function.
Any way to disable the Shopping addon and only use the tickets ?
I would only need ticket function.
Any way to disable the Shopping addon and only use the tickets ?
Unfortunately not, this mod requires eCommerce as it's intended to be integrated to provide additional benefit such as autofilling certain fields based on the license selected, etc.
DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets with a new update entry:


Update highlights

This update adds the ability to see the ticket status in the thread list, as well as fixing a few bugs reported by the community.

The registration defaults have also been changed, no longer requiring an entirely separate setting. The toggles can be found inside XF's own registrationDefaults setting.

Complete Change Log

Feature: Ticket status is now displayed in the thread list
Change: Merged registration...

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DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets with a new update entry:


Update highlights

This version massively reworks the way support ticket actions are executed. Previously, they would only execute when viewing the ticket, or when the ticket was replied to, or via a cron job. Actions are now executed whenever the ticket is updated, as well as via a cron job.

This, combined with the new ticket criteria for when a ticket's status is being updated, means it's possible to immediately close fully solved tickets and still have features like...

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DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets with a new update entry:


Update highlights

After a lengthy beta period here @ DBTech, v2 of DragonByte Tickets is now ready for release 🎉

This version contains one very important feature: Secure Data Storage.

This allows the ticket starter to enter data into fields defined by the admins (using the same feature as Thread Fields / User Fields and every other custom field). Once the user submits the form, a random encryption key is generated and emailed to the assigned agent as well as the...

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DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets with a new update entry:


Update highlights

The phrase used by the email subject for the "new secure data attached" email has been changed to make it easier to read for mobile users and email clients with limited horizontal space in the message list.

An issue with the default registration options has been addressed, and should now work as intended for new users going forward.

Complete Change Log

Change: Changed secure data attached email subject phrase
Fix: Unticking...

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It came on the right time when my old ticketing mod expired :) Some questions:

1.- The client can starts "unlimited" threads (tickets) per product, or each license has only one thread/ticket and if the client want to ask for a different topic he must reply to the same thread/ticket?

2.- The assignment can be to product add-on and not to the main product? eg I've the AAAA product with Add-on "Ticketing Support". Can the assignment be only if the client buys the Ticketing Support add-on?

3.- What happens when the license of the assigned product expires? Client is still able to:
  • View old tickets (that's normal)
  • Reply to open tickets (that's fair)
  • Open new tickets (I prefer not)

Thank you
Last edited:
1.- The client can starts "unlimited" threads (tickets) per product, or each license has only one thread/ticket and if the client want to ask for a different topic he must reply to the same thread/ticket?
There are no limits to the amount of tickets (threads) someone can open. All this does is add additional information to threads.

2.- The assignment can be to product add-on and not to the main product? eg I've the AAAA product with Add-on "Ticketing Support". Can the assignment be only if the client buys the Ticketing Support add-on?

3.- What happens when the license of the assigned product expires?
Since this add-on is only a wrapper for the normal XenForo threads system, you can restrict who can open tickets by configuring your products / user groups / forum permissions in such a way that only people who purchase the "Ticketing Support" product on your site can access the ticket support forum.

You would do this by granting an additional user group to people who own the "Ticketing Support" product, either temporarily or permanently.

In the requirements it says DragonByte eCommerce v1.3.0+ and I've 1.3.0rc2. As I seen 1.3.0 released 5 days after my version.
So my question is if my eCommerce ver 1.3.0rc2 is compatible or not.

Thank you

In the requirements it says DragonByte eCommerce v1.3.0+ and I've 1.3.0rc2. As I seen 1.3.0 released 5 days after my version.
So my question is if my eCommerce ver 1.3.0rc2 is compatible or not.

Thank you
It would require the Gold version of eCommerce.
DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets with a new update entry:


Update highlights


This version includes the necessary changes to support DragonByte eCommerce v2.0.0 Beta 1 onwards. As this version includes important template changes, please make sure you have reverted all customised Tickets templates if you experience errors after upgrading.

Complete Change Log

Change: Updated templates to use the new features in...

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DragonByte Tech updated [DBTech] DragonByte eCommerce: Tickets with a new update entry:

2.2.0 Release Candidate 1

Update highlights


This version contains coding style updates and changes for XenForo 2.2.0 / PHP 7.2.0. You must also upgrade DragonByte eCommerce to v2.2.0 prior to installing this update.

The main change in this version is that support tickets are now its own forum type, a new feature in XenForo 2.2. This means improved template support and reduced compatibility issues with 3rd...

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