[cv6] Dice Roller

[cv6] Dice Roller 2.4.0 Release Candidate

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Well-known member
Hoffi submitted a new resource:

[cv6] Dice Roller - Manage Dice, and Systems and roll them in a post with calculation of fail or success.


Finally I did it.View attachment 246335

Dice Manager for XenForo 2. During Development I upgraded to XF 2.2 so I also used some of the new assets from XenForo, so that my AddOn is nor running on XenForo below 2.2.

If you still have the data from my DiceRoller from XF 1 in your Database, it will be upgrading all the stuff.

What you can do with this AddOn:
  • Create multiple dice. Not only Numbers, you also can create dice...

Read more about this resource...
Ah yes. MS Edge and Safari can't play webm without plugin, and iPhone and iPad can't do it.

Please use a chromium based browser.
Hi, Looks good but a bit hard to understand
a) Can I use a tag to roll? i.e. [dice]1d20+4[/dice]? Or is it only via the interface?
b) It seems that If I roll with a bonus, it is not reflected in the result. I roll 1d20 with a bonus of 4, but got a result of 2.
c) Can I apply different bonus to different rolls? i.e. roll for attack 1d20 + 5 and for damage 2d6 + 3?
d) Is it compatible with PHP 7.1? It works with our server but the minimum requirement appears as 7.2

Thanks :)
Hi, Looks good but a bit hard to understand
Thanks. Lets try to solve it.
a) Can I use a tag to roll? i.e. [dice]1d20+4[/dice]? Or is it only via the interface?
No, you only can roll via interface.
b) It seems that If I roll with a bonus, it is not reflected in the result. I roll 1d20 with a bonus of 4, but got a result of 2.
Thats not easy to answer. But if you are talking about summing up, this are only the dice, no bonus is added, yes. If you are more specific I can probably build a checker class which will do this.
c) Can I apply different bonus to different rolls? i.e. roll for attack 1d20 + 5 and for damage 2d6 + 3?
You need to roll twice, one for attack and a second for damage, and enter everytime a different bonus. This also depends on your settings in the system.
d) Is it compatible with PHP 7.1? It works with our server but the minimum requirement appears as 7.2
probably yes. I have not testet it with 7.1.

Probleme im Live Forum mit der Installation:

ALTER TABLE `xf_forum`
ADD `cv6_allowdiceroll` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `cv6_wiresets` MEDIUMTEXT DEFAULT ''

#0 src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php(196): XF\Db\AbstractStatement->getException('MySQL statement...', 1101, '42000')
#1 src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php(39): XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->getException('MySQL statement...', 1101, '42000')
#2 src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Statement.php(54): XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->prepare()
#3 src/XF/Db/AbstractAdapter.php(94): XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement->execute()
#4 src/XF/Db/Schema/AbstractDdl.php(151): XF\Db\AbstractAdapter->query('ALTER TABLE `xf...')
#5 src/XF/Db/SchemaManager.php(149): XF\Db\Schema\AbstractDdl->apply()
#6 src/addons/cv6/DiceRoller/Setup.php(24): XF\Db\SchemaManager->alterTable('xf_forum', Object(Closure))
#7 src/XF/AddOn/StepRunnerInstallTrait.php(60): cv6\DiceRoller\Setup->installStep1(Array)
#8 src/XF/AddOn/StepRunnerInstallTrait.php(27): cv6\DiceRoller\Setup->installStepRunner(1, Array)
#9 src/XF/Job/AddOnInstallBatch.php(293): cv6\DiceRoller\Setup->install(Array)
#10 src/XF/Job/AddOnInstallBatch.php(89): XF\Job\AddOnInstallBatch->stepAction(Object(XF\Timer))
#11 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(258): XF\Job\AddOnInstallBatch->run(8)
#12 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(200): XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal(Array, 8)
#13 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(116): XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry(Array, 8)
#14 src/XF/Admin/Controller/Tools.php(120): XF\Job\Manager->runByIds(Array, 8)
#15 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(350): XF\Admin\Controller\Tools->actionRunJob(Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag))
#16 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(261): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass('XF:Tools', 'RunJob', Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch), Object(XF\Admin\Controller\Tools), NULL)
#17 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(113): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch(Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch), Object(XF\Admin\Controller\Tools), NULL)
#18 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(55): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop(Object(XF\Mvc\RouteMatch))
#19 src/XF/App.php(2326): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#20 src/XF.php(488): XF\App->run()
#21 admin.php(13): XF::runApp('XF\\Admin\\App')
#22 {main}

Status der Anfrage

array(4) {
  ["url"] => string(24) "/admin.php?tools/run-job"
  ["referrer"] => string(49) "https://xxx.com/admin.php?tools/run-job"
  ["_GET"] => array(1) {
    ["tools/run-job"] => string(0) ""
  ["_POST"] => array(3) {
    ["_xfRedirect"] => string(84) "https://xxx/admin.php?add-ons/install-from-archive-complete&batch_id=6"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
    ["only_ids"] => string(4) "3529"
Where can I find the Sample Import XML Files for dice, rules and some systems? I have the Zip file unzipped with the js, src and styles folders. I'm assuming it's somewhere in the src file, could you specify where?
Where can I find the Sample Import XML Files for dice, rules and some systems? I have the Zip file unzipped with the js, src and styles folders. I'm assuming it's somewhere in the src file, could you specify where?
Oh. it was removed during the last update. Will add it tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
@Hoffi - I had this installed for a second and it completely shut down viewing threads or making posts. It seemed to work on the admin panel side of things, just not on the user side of things.
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