Add-on Dice Roller

For a new project that I'm working on, I have gone through the resources here and only seen one add-on that looks to be perfect but, it seems to have fallen into non-updates land. Looking for something that I can have our members use to create dice rolls for rp purposes and for them to appear within the posts.
It does look nice but with having it last updated in 2012, makes me wary in springing the cash for it. Add in the fact of it being the only publicly available one, was hoping that someone would come along to provide us all with one.
I'm pretty desperate for an updated one myself, especially since @Rigel Kentaurus dropped support for it.

It'd be pretty ideal if a group of us needing the dice mod could get together and raise a contribution for someone like @Waindigo or @Chris D to develop this - for us gaming/RPG folks, I feel like a fully supported dice mod could really push Xenforo ahead of the pack, since IPB doesn't have one.
For a new project that I'm working on, I have gone through the resources here and only seen one add-on that looks to be perfect but, it seems to have fallen into non-updates land. Looking for something that I can have our members use to create dice rolls for rp purposes and for them to appear within the posts.
It is in non-updates land because it is done
It works, works well, and those what it is supposed to do :)
It works fine with XenForo 1.3 and everything.
Anyone know if this mod works for the most recent version of xenforo? I feel like this might be handy for my rpg forum.
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