Custom Tabs

Custom Tabs 1.6.3

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Complete noob is there a manual to show me what code to put where to get these to show up. sorry total amature here. Thanks your chat app is great btw
I can't seem to make the custom tab be second from the right. I've got these tabs: Forum - Shoutbox - Raffles - Blog(Custom) - Resources - Members - Search.

I want Blog to be #2: Forum - Blog - Shoutbox etc
@Siropu Is there a way to create a mega menu using this addon? Just curious before I start configuring it. I want to make a better menu than the one I currently have and present it in a non-cluttered way. Just curious as I didn't see anything from my search or addon description so I assume no.
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@doublespaces, try changing the execution order of "navigation_tabs" event listener in development mode, for shoutbox Add-on or for Custom tabs.
@beanfan78, you can add unlimited childs, but not like a mega menu.
You have to enable debug mode for the "Development" tab to show up. There, on the "Code Event Listeners" you can edit event listeners and change the execution order.
You have to enable debug mode for the "Development" tab to show up. There, on the "Code Event Listeners" you can edit event listeners and change the execution order.

Thanks. I see a lot of files, under Custom Tabs, the navigation_tabs file has a 'callback order' setting at '10'. Which setting and which file am I going to manipulate?
It stopped working after upgrade or you just installed it and doesn't work? Does it work on the default style?
Hi, wondering if you could assist me, please?
I have 5 tabs, all custom. I added another tab, and it removed an existing tab from the front-end, though it's still there in ACP. The new tab has nothing in common with the tab that was removed, and I do not know how that could happen. I haven't changed anything about the tab that's no longer visible on the menu bar.
Could you advise, please?
That's probably because there isn't enough space in the navbar. The ones that don't fit should show up in a dropdown that can be accessed from an icon at the end of the tabs.
I know what you are talking about. However, there isn't isn't any icons at the end of the nav bar which would show there are further nav tabs. the tab in questions literally disappeared from the nav bar.
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