Resource icon

Custom Node Icon (icon for Category) 1.0

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Active member
Nice work vinavb.

Add an option to delete/revert the uploaded icon? so in case we want to remove the custom icon and go back to the default node icon.
Excellent addon vinavb, works like a charm :)

There does seem to be a wee bug in it, ot sure if it's just me though, but appear not to be able to change the Node Icon 2nd - when I go to upload a new icon for it the Node Icon 1st is the one changed.

Also would it be possible just to use css instead of a second icon? For example what I'd done on a previous site is just have the opacity set via css if there were no unread threads.
would you please tell me that how can I change the size of the node icons ? I used the style properties but it hasn't changed anything ... Any help is really appreciated ... thank you

I need to change the size of category node icons , ... I tried style properties but it didn't help ...

Any help is really appreciated ..

thank you
Admin CP -> Appearance -> Style Properties -> Node Icons

The width and height is defined in the Node Icon property. Then the other properties on that page point to the actual image which is a sprite. You can change everything in this area.
thank you for the replies ...

well I already changed that style properties but I am using Custom node icons add-on and I haven't seen any settings related to icons size ...
I have set the icon size to 80x80 but there is no changes there ...

any help is really appreciated ..
Thank you for the reply,

to test what is really causing this issue I tracked the small image path and then I overwrote the icon using FTP on it .. and the size was ok ... so I think its related to this plugin ... but I noticed that no one else has this issue with this plugin and also some of my friends are using this plugin with no problems with the node icon size (they use custom size) ...

I set a new icon for the second forum to show you my problem, the first one is the overwritten one ...

and please let me thank you for the routing plugin for XF .. It really helped :)
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