D.C Style - Custom Node Icon

D.C Style - Custom Node Icon 1.0.2 Patch Level 1

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I uploaded the files to the server and installed it, but the icon folder doesn't automatically create.
I tried to manually create the folder and uploaded the images, but it didn't work
Not works correctly...

Take a look:

And I got this then:

But at preview it looks OK:

XF 2.2.5, default Style.

It seems it only uses the width but not the height....

EDIT: I now use this addon [cv6] NodeIcon 1.1.0 Release Candidate It does the same, but its working and the support by developer seems to be better.
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If I understand correctly, this addon as currently set up would configure these custom node icons on a global basis, yes? It'd be useful if perhaps this was moved from the global options to the style settings, so they could be changed on a style by style basis.
I'd like to just use the same icon for all of my forums.

The way it's set up now, I can add the image to each of them, however it's saving it as a different instance each time. So instead of just have a read and unread for 2 images, the user has to down load 2 for each forum. Is it possible to add the option to use the same image on multiple nodes please?
D.C Style submitted a new resource:

D.C Style - Custom Node Icon - Customize the icons for any forums.

Read more about this resource...
I Discovered a really annoying buy with your addon that I wish be fixed, The icon dimensions get zooms out the universal dimensions set when there is child nodes for the Node.

Please any way fixing this will be grateful.
bug Showcase -

See how the 2nd Node with child nodes the picture gets zoomed/bigger
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