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Custom BB Code Manager v1.3.4

No permission to download
It was an easy fix. You assigned it version I'd of 5. V1.2.2 was given the same. So the upgrade script didn't run.
+ getting character errors with spoiler tag:


Thanks guys, the previous error is fixed. Just left with the odd character problem now.
It was an easy fix. You assigned it version I'd of 5. V1.2.2 was given the same. So the upgrade script didn't run.
Ohhh I didn't download this version and had manually patched my files, that's why the version number wasn't correct.

Well, you released it quick ^^ I haven't modified yet my addons, you give me supplementary work today :D

By the way, quick announce to users: the spoiler tag has also been modified, it's phrased and also works when Javascript is disabled. The text color should be the same than the background color with default style. If it's not, I've added an option in XenForo style option (bbcode section) to set the color of text.

Another point, the purpose of this button integration was to support XenForo. If you like it, please consider to make a small donations to XenForo developers. I don't have their paypal, I hope our beloving moderators can provide it ;) I know that serious and honest members will do this. I thank them for this.
Can someone please tell me how to setup the [goto] anchor bbcode. Or provide a file for install? I have no idea how to add it.
Can someone please tell me how to setup the [goto] anchor bbcode. Or provide a file for install? I have no idea how to add it.
Not now please.

Thanks guys, the previous error is fixed. Just left with the odd character problem now.
Could you please look these phrases:

The bbcodes callback just uses the default phrases system.
Not now please.

Could you please look these phrases:

The bbcodes callback just uses the default phrases system.


Show Spoiler
Hide Spoiler

I'm using my own text, different than the default text.


Ohhh I didn't download this version and had manually patched my files, that's why the version number wasn't correct.

Well, you released it quick ^^ I haven't modified yet my addons, you give me supplementary work today :D

By the way, quick announce to users: the spoiler tag has also been modified, it's phrased and also works when Javascript is disabled. The text color should be the same than the background color with default style. If it's not, I've added an option in XenForo style option (bbcode section) to set the color of text.

Another point, the purpose of this button integration was to support XenForo. If you like it, please consider to make a small donations to XenForo developers. I don't have their paypal, I hope your beloving moderators can provide it ;) I know that serious and honest members will do this. I thank them for this.
That's very nice of you bro.
Solution 1: => Google search ;)
Solution 2: => Download the file, and replace yours (/library/KingK/BbCodeManager/BbCode/Formatter/Default.php)

When you don't know what you are looking for, uncle google won't be much of a help :) Thanks for the fix Cédric, much appreciated. Applied, and it did the job :)
I disable this addon because after install :(


  • Screen Shot 2012-10-12 at 8.45.27 AM.webp
    Screen Shot 2012-10-12 at 8.45.27 AM.webp
    20.7 KB · Views: 17
I disable this addon because after install :(
Did you do anything else than install the addon?

1) First thing to remember: you don't have to disable the custom bbcode addon if you have a bug with the editor, you can just go to xenforo options => Buttons Manager => Disable Buttons Manager => YES ; otherwise all your bbcodes will not parse anymore.
2) Activate the [DEBUG] Display TinyMCE hook content (same path than above), go to see one of your page with the editor. Paste here the content of the debug.
3) Do you have other addons that modifies the editor?
mode: 'exact',
                elements: $editor.attr('id'),
                plugins: plugins,
                cleanup: false,
                theme: 'xenforo',
                theme_xenforo_dialog_url: "index.php?editor/dialog&style=7",
                theme_xenforo_contents_css_url: "css.php?style=7&css=editor_contents&d=1350007259",
                language: '',
                directionality: 'LTR',
                document_base_url: "",   
                theme_xenforo_buttons1 : 'removeformat,|,fontselect,fontsizeselect,forecolor,xenforo_smilies,|,undo,redo',
                theme_xenforo_buttons2 : 'bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,|,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent,|,link,unlink,image,xenforo_media,|,xenforo_custom_bbcode,xenforo_code',
                xenforo_smilies: {"(bandit)":["Bandit","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00174-bandit.gif"],"(tmi)":["TMI","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00184-tmi.gif"],":D":["Grin","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00102-bigsmile.gif"],":)":["Smile","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00100-smile.gif"],":(":["Sad","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00101-sadsmile.gif"],"8-)":["Cool","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00103-cool.gif"],";)":["Wink","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00105-wink.gif"],";(":["Cry","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00106-crying.gif"],":|":["Speechless","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00108-speechless.gif"],":*":["Kiss","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00109-kiss.gif"],":P":["TongueOut","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00110-tongueout.gif"],":$":["Blush","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00111-blush.gif"],":^)":["Wondering","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00112-wondering.gif"],"|-)":["Sleepzzz","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00113-sleepy.gif"],"|-(":["Dull","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00114-dull.gif"],"(inlove)":["InLOVE","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00115-inlove.gif"],">:)":["EvilGrin","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00116-evilgrin.gif"],"(talking)":["Talking","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00117-talking.gif"],"|-()":["Yawn","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00118-yawn.gif"],":&":["Puke","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00119-puke.gif"],"(doh)":["Doh","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00120-doh.gif"],":@":["Angry","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00121-angry.gif"],"(wasntme)":["Wasn'tMe","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00122-itwasntme.gif"],"(party)":["Party","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00123-party.gif"],":S":["Confused","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00124-worried.gif"],"(mm)":["Mmm","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00125-mmm.gif"],":X":["Sealed","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00127-lipssealed.gif"],"(wave)":["Hiii","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00128-hi.gif"],"(hug)":["Hug","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00134-bear.gif"],"(kate)":["Makeup","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00135-makeup.gif"],"(chuckle)":["Chuckle","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00136-giggle.gif"],"(clap)":["Clap","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00137-clapping.gif"],":?":["Think","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00138-thinking.gif"],"(nod)":["Nod","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00144-nod.gif"],"(shake)":["No!","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00145-shake.gif"],"(Y)":["Yes!","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00148-yes.gif"],"(N)":["No","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00149-no.gif"],"(handshake)":["ShakeHands","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00150-handshake.gif"],"(H)":["HEART","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00152-heart.gif"],"(U)":["Broken Heart","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00153-brokenheart.gif"],"(skype)":["Skype","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00151-skype.gif"],"(headbang)":["Headbang","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00179-headbang.gif"],"(smoking)":["Smoke","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00176-smoke.gif"],"(drunk)":["Drunkzzzd","http:\/\/\/images\/emoticon-00175-drunk.gif"]},
                xenforo_bbcode_switch_text: ["Use BB Code Editor", "Use Rich Text Editor"]

Can anyone decipher?
Can anyone decipher?
Do you have any problems? The code is good here (for THIS addon). If you have another addon that didn't implement a routine to check if this template has been modified previously and displays a button adding those kind of lines "theme_xenforo_buttons1 :.......", then you must find this addon and disable it. Same thing if one of your templates have been modified with the same coding.
I disabled the "table" plugin and the "tag" plugin, which would affect the Bbcodes and may have caused conflict, no change in the error. Only admins viewing a thread can see the error though. No other plugin I can see causing anything, I am quite confused. I re-uploaded the files and re-installed the XML too, no change
What do you mean?
1) can you see the editor?
2) or do you automatically see the debug info?

by the way... your forum home page is using 89 queries...
I see everything on the thread as it should be: The toolbar, the buttons, the text, everything works PERFECTLY, it's a great feature. If this error wasn't here, it'd be great. But there's an error only when I click a thread (assuming it's when the reply box is there, error)

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