Custom 404 Page by Siropu

Custom 404 Page by Siropu 1.2.0

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Strange. The upgrade on my demo site completed successfully.

Does removing $reply->setPageParam('skipManualJobRun', true); from Siropu\Custom404Page\Setup.php does the trick?
I installed it and it works. In few days I got 4000+ items in Tools > 404 not found. Now do I need to add redirects to all of them? Should I redirect them all to home page? Please advice, masta @Siropu. )
I did some "blanket" redirects to sub directories that no longer exist, etc. These * redirects catch a lot of the individual items and cut down dramatically on the numbers coming in. A lot of URLs I'm finding even with my old vB forum, never even existed and I am not sure how they even got started. For example I have some wordpress-related URLs and I've never installed/integrated wordpress on either my vb or XF forums. I also get some random URLs relating to some furniture store in Wisconsin ;-)
I need to create a global rule to redirect :
/forums/posts/* to /forums/
How do i specify this ?
Thanks !
Find: @http://yourdomain\.com/forums/posts/(.+?)@ (If you are using www add that as well like so www\. to escape the dot)
Redirect:$1 - This will redirect /forums/posts/xxx to /forums/xxx If you want to redirect all URLs to remove $1 at the end.
I'm getting a ton of urls that look like the original with undefined appended. I think it's coming from Sovrn ads... it goes away when i don't have those on.

is there a better way to mass 'strip' undefined from the end of the url? I added */undefined as a rule, but i'm wondering if it may be better to 301 these instead of just ignore them in the tool.

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Also, I'm finding old items that were in folders (that no longer exist) hit the server 404 instead of the xf 'pretty' 404 page.

eg, <- my board <- hits server 404

I assume i need to direct /articles to Xf through htaccess but i sort of assumed it would already be doing that based on the 'not a directory' statement.
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