Add-on Custom 404 page and redirect for frequently visited dead urls. (Four Oh Four)


Well-known member
Unfortunately there is no XF2 version of the Four oh Four addon. Its really useful for SEO.
It does 3 things:
  1. SEO friendly 404 page. More info here.
  2. Register dead urls frequently requested
  3. Allow you to add redirects for those dead urls
It would be nice if a XF2 addon with similar functionality would be offered in the XFRM.
Hello everyone,

Our Link Checker add-on has an option to activate a custom page for invalid links (any none 2xx and 3xx page is considered invalid). The template can be customized as you want to include SEO-relevant information. Our add-on does not cover other features requested, like storing the number of times an invalid URL is requested and giving an option to redirect these URLs. For now, we are really busy developing some custom projects and some other enhancements for other add-ons already in our TODO list, but we will consider implementing such features as soon as possible. If anyone is interested in a funded project to implement the features in a shorter time please contact us at

Thank you!
@AddonsLab Unless I'm reading something incorrectly, that add-on is for managing outbound links, this request being talked about is regarding invalid inbound links.

Oh, my fault. This add-on is indeed completely different and our Link Checker does not handle any part of it. It is definitely possible to implement, but I don't think we will manage to work on it anytime soon.

Thank you!
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