CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Does this still strip out any images? (I had a quick scan of the Updates but didn't spot anything mentioning it).

If so, do you have any plans to add that in the future?
Yes, images are still stripped, as are bb code tags, etc.

It is on the list for possible future consideration but it will require significant changes so I need to fully explore it.
I don't personally have this add-on, but I know how much work went into making this from keeping up with the "making" thread.

Great job with the add-on and additional features, Paul! To think, before all this, all you knew about coding was the acronym PHP.
Yes, images are still stripped, as are bb code tags, etc.

It is on the list for possible future consideration but it will require significant changes so I need to fully explore it.

Thanks for the quick response. As most of the use cases I have for this would need images to be displayed I'd be really interested if that were ever to happen but appreciate it means a bit of a re-write.
Fantastic work, Brogan! What was already a great add-on already is now even better. :)

The customisation is amazing, especially in the styling and now it can be used as a home page too!

It's great to see how well this is developing, especially when you said that you hadn't really coded before. You're an inspiration to others to have a go themselves. (y)
Is there a way to get on a email list for when you enable images etc. to be displayed? I will definitely buy it once that has been updated - my forum is driven by images so it's a must for me. Nice job writing this though - images or not I know it had to be a daunting task to say the least. .
For those of you with UI.X.... you will not be able to see this:

Until you edit the original "navigation" template in UI.X (or whatever one you are using as your theme).

You must go to that template, and replace

<li><a href="{xen:link 'watched/threads'}">{xen:phrase watched_threads}</a></li>

with this:
<li><a href="{xen:link 'watched/threads'}">{xen:phrase watched_threads}</a></li>

The formatting (tabs and spaces) has to stay exactly as the bottom.

Easiest way, go into Template Modifications, copy what Brogan has in the "find" field, and paste it over that part of the code in the navigation template.

If you have issues, feel free to give me a shout or I can jump in and give you a hand real quick.
Thanks Sheldon, I forgot to mention that in the update.

I'm not sure why it's not taking in UI.X but unfortunately there's no other find code I can use as it needs to be placed after the Watched Threads link.
Thanks Sheldon, I forgot to mention that in the update.

I'm not sure why it's not taking in UI.X but unfortunately there's no other find code I can use as it needs to be placed after the Watched Threads link.

I didn't get to read the update, but I knew there would eventually be a question about it either way (if even you posted it in the update).
On my shopping list (looks like a great add-on for promoting community engagement), but if you do add images can you please make it optional; I'd prefer the preview blocks not to have images.

Shaun :D
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