CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Brogan updated CTA Featured Threads & Portal with a new update entry:


Attachments are now displayed in the blocks on all pages.
If the viewing member has permission to view attachments, they will see full sized attachments if they have been embedded using ATTACH=full. Attachments which are not embedded using ATTACH=full will show as thumbnails.
View attachment 74973

When clicking on a thumbnail, the attachments will show in the lightbox, as normal.
View attachment 74974

If the viewing member does not have permission to view attachments, they will all show...

Read the rest of this update entry...
The latest version has been emailed to all active license holders.

If you haven't received it, check your spam folder.
Just to let everyone know, an issue related to the Cache BB Code output option has been identified.

When the option is enabled, and the featured thread content is viewed, that caches the output and overwrites the existing parse cache.
Essentially, the thread first post content matches the featured thread content when the thread is viewed, rather than the original thread first post content.

This is just a caching issue - the original post content is untouched so no need to panic.

I do not have the option enabled on any of my sites, hence why it wasn't noticed during development and testing.

A fix will be released as soon as possible.

Disabling it in Options -> Performance will resolve the issue in the meantime.

Brogan updated CTA Featured Threads & Portal with a new update entry:

Bug fix

A bug related to cached post content was identified in 2.6.0.

When Options -> Performance -> Cache BB Code output is enabled, and the featured thread content is viewed, that caches the output and overwrites the existing parse cache.
Essentially, the thread first post content matches the featured thread content when the thread is viewed, rather than the original thread first post content.

This is just a caching issue - the original post content is untouched, so no need to panic....

Read the rest of this update entry...
The latest version has been emailed to all active license holders.

If you haven't received it, check your spam folder.
For the last couple of updates, I have been unable to use because of this error:

An exception occurred: Undefined index: homeTab in /home/*****/public_html/library/CTA/FeaturedThreads/Listener.php on line 11

  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in CTA/FeaturedThreads/Listener.php at line 11
  2. CTA_FeaturedThreads_Listener::navigationTabs()
  3. call_user_func_array() in XenForo/CodeEvent.php at line 90
  4. XenForo_CodeEvent::fire() in XenForo/Dependencies/Public.php at line 493
  5. XenForo_Dependencies_Public->_getNavigationContainerParams() in XenForo/Dependencies/Public.php at line 373
  6. XenForo_Dependencies_Public->getEffectiveContainerParams() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 616
  7. XenForo_FrontController->renderView() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 158
  8. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/****/public_html/community/index.php at line 13
No problem, glad it's sorted.

As the code evolves (and has this code evolved...), there is the potential for things to break.

Which is why it's important to read the release notes with each release.
Coming soon(ish).


Checking that box when featuring a thread will allow members to dismiss it from the forum list, forum view and new/recent posts pages.
If it isn't checked, they won't be able to dismiss it.

Featured Threads will still be present on the main page whether they have been dismissed or not.

When updating a featured thread, if it is dismissable, the checkbox is checked by default.


Unchecking it and saving will restore the thread for everyone who has dismissed it and prevent it from being dismissed.

The dismiss link is located in the top right corner of the blocks.


That implementation has been chosen for several reasons.
  • I will be adding the Update and Unfeature moderator controls to the blocks so the dropdown is dual purpose
  • Space and locations are limited and this is the best option without affecting other parts of the template or taking up too much space and spoiling the appearance
  • Having it in a dropdown avoids accidental clicks and the need for a confirmation overlay
Members can restore dismissed threads from their account preferences page.


I'm sure @Clickfinity knows a few people who will be pleased to see this feature ;)

Thanks to @Stuart Wright for sponsoring the development of this feature.
I'm sure @Clickfinity knows a few people who will be pleased to see this feature ;)

Hell yeah!! A few of my members don't want to see any featured threads at all, but it wasn't worth a separate style for just 7 people, so they'll love being able to dismiss featured threads. Nice one!!

Presumably they'd initially have to dismiss all of the threads that are currently in rotation, but thereafter just the new ones as/when they appear?

On a side note, I haven't really been updating the add-on because I don't really want or need the portal aspect that it has now taken on, but this is incentive enough to add it to the "to do" list. (y)
Hell yeah!! A few of my members don't want to see any featured threads at all, but it wasn't worth a separate style for just 7 people,
I did create this resource specifically for you, which doesn't require a separate style: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/cta-featured-threads-user-preferences.2834/

Presumably they'd initially have to dismiss all of the threads that are currently in rotation, but thereafter just the new ones as/when they appear?
Yes, they will have to specifically dismiss each one but if they are really that opposed to the add-on then I would suggest doing the custom user fields (the code has probably changed so you will have to check against the current template code.

On a side note, I haven't really been updating the add-on because I don't really want or need the portal aspect that it has now taken on, but this is incentive enough to add it to the "to do" list. (y)
There have been many improvements and bug fixes, in addition to the portal stuff, so I would always recommend being on the latest version.
Brogan, any plans on having these features threads displayed with a masonry effect (isotope or masonry)? Or perhaps something that could make the homepage looking something like this (two sets of FTs - One large section on the left hand side, smaller section on the right - with the ability to put a slider or something at the very top)?
Sorry, another question Brogan.

Any plans on making a widget framework renderer? Using that people will be able to pull different sets of featured threads. Using the following layout as an example:
1) We would be able to put a slider or whatever we want as the main image using html wf widget.
2) On the side...the renderer would pull from less active forums.
3) Below the main image, the renderer would pull data from the main forum etc.

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