CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Yes ticked the option, running 2.0 and no outdated templates.
Nothing of that kind is showing up.
If you can provide an ACP login I can take a look.

I haven't heard of anyone else having issues with the expiry date - it has worked on every install so far.
You haven't checked the SP for both the blocks and page:

I have just checked both for both styles and the expiry is now showing.
Would the ability to show featured threads of all child forums in a parent forum be of any interest?
It adds one additional query so it would be an option.
I like the "Display in all forums" - that should help to get more eyes on things like important forum announcements, updates, etc. (y)

Not sure about others, but my membership can somehow manage, en-masse, to completely miss new threads in my announcements forum! :rolleyes:
Uh, when I click "buy now" it tells me I don't have permission to view? What the heck?
XenForo Community - Error
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
I'm trying to get a featured thread plugin. :(
Forgive me, I'm new to this...

So, do I have to make new prefix to get Featured Threads working? o_O

I only want to show one thread across the entire site.
Alright, thanks for the help. I got it workin'! :)

Now, to get it workin' in all pages except it's own featured thread page.

So, just to reiterate; if I make it so that an administrator can feature threads, does that mean that everyone else can, too? Just to be sure.
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