CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Got it, just one more thing.


"Featured Threads" was never there before. There are no featured threads in that section either.
Where can I find the css for forum index styling? I've managed to style the forum view like this,


but forum index looks like this,


I thought it would be in the same css file, but I can't see it.
The styling for the blocks is common across all three pages.

If you want the appearance to differ between pages, you will need to use the parent template class in EXTRA.css.
In this case, .forum_list.
This is the section I changed and it only affected forum view.

    @property "ctaFtContainer";
    background: @pageBackground url('@imagePath/images/cta-featured-threads-gradient.png') repeat-x top;
    margin-top: 0;
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    border-color: @secondaryDarker;
    @property "/ctaFtContainer";
I'm not sure what you're asking.

The block styling is the same on all three pages.

If it isn't then it's something related to your style.
I don't see anything on the second link.

Ultimately though this is a custom style issue you will need to resolve.
Or so I thought.. this is very strange indeed. What can I put in extra.css to modify featured threads on forum_list only? .sectionMain.ctaFtContainerForumList or something?
I'd like you to click on the thread will look like in the picture.
I can choose a node to the first message does not leave the postbit


not if I understand
Oh, you mean a blog/article style thread layout.

That has been suggested but it's a lot of work and has only been requested by two/three people, so I'm not yet sure if that will happen.
thanks for your answer.
It's a shame, I'm sure that what I would like to ask more than two.
if it never does this feature I would buy your addon
Brogan updated CTA Featured Threads & Portal with a new update entry:

Better late than never!

It's been over a month since the last update but for once real life had to come first and development a distant second.
Having said that, it's worth the wait ;)

Important Information
Due to the new profile posts option, there will be a server error 'Undefined index: sidebarProfilePosts' and the page will fail to load, until the cache is updated.

To do that, simply go to Options -> CTA Featured Threads and click the [Save Changes] button.
Any errors...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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