XF 1.1 Creating new Forum results in 504 timeout


Active member
Recently migrated forum to a new server. Everything has been working fine as far as everything is known, except for creating a new forum. Trying to do so takes a while, then results in a 504 timeout from the server (On all pages) for a few moments, and the forum isn't created when it recovers.

Any ideas?
Well the 504 timeout is coming directly from the server. The rebuild process will be time/CPU (and possibly memory) intensive, but it shouldn't wholly block other connections. If it is, it sounds like only one PHP process is being processed at a time (no task switching), which is likely to give bad performance in general. I'm guessing you're using a FastCGI server so you may want to look at that configuration (the number of processes/children available).

Otherwise, 1.2 would help. It doesn't inherently change the amount of work that needs to be done -- there is a lot of recalculation to do -- but it's designed to allow that work to be split into multiple steps.
Hmm, I increased the timeout for php and nginx, and instead of the page 404'ing, I got a box pop up stating the error was in the javascript console.

<b>Fatal error</b>: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in <b>---/---/library/XenForo/Model/Permission.php</b> on line <b>1668</b><br/>

Is there somewhere in the admin panel I can raise that execution time limit?
You may need to tweak both in that case.

The changes in 1.2 do specifically relate to this issue though, so that's really what we'd recommend.
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