Fixed Copyright Color is hard coded


Well-known member

in footer.css the font color for #copyright is hardcoded as rgb(100,100,100). This isn't exactly useful on dark styles since it's hard to read and at the same time non-trivial to change.
There are many elements of the style which don't use SPs or the colour palette, I'm not sure it can be classed as a bug.

You can use EXTRA.css to change it.
I'd say, there should be no hard coded colors at all in the css. If every color is picked from one of the color palette, you do not have to change one single template if you just want to change colors, which would be good for usability.

Good point with extra.css, though.
I'd say all the colored elements should be available for adjustment in style properties. But that will increase it's size and complexity for 150%. I've always said that there should be 'Simple' and 'Advanced' mode in style properties. Beginners won't need all of the style properties, but developers will significantly benefit from vastly exposed settings and options. Especially if we could tweak JS variables.
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