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Convert Threads to Resources 1.0.2

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Thanks Anomandaris for the information.
Wow, really a disaster. Was really useful. I have a lot of threads to move and now I'm totally blocked. :(
Hi Kevin, how can you say that is working fine if you haven't tested? :)
To me and also to Anomandaris seems to be not working anymore.
Can you please make a test to confirm that?
Great Kevin, with your method it works again. :) Thanks also for testing it and for the informations you provide to fix the problem. (y)
Having an issue with prefixes.

Have a test category set up to use a certain prefix and post a thread in a forum with a forum prefix. When converting a thread neither prefix is used.

And it doesn't seem to be creating the thread in the forum also.
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Try to add the same prefix also in the Resources Section where you want move the thread and see if it works. If not try to disable the prefix of the thread before to move it and after you have moved you can try to add it again.
Nice addon. However, you end up with two identical descriptions "Resource" + "Resource thread". XenForo seems to work around it by wrapping the resource description in a quote, which this addon doesn't do.
Unless I'm missing something, this only works with image attachments. I can't find anywhere in the code that will convert non-image attachments to a resource.
@siONtI @truonglv

Any plans to update this for XF 2.3? Addon shows as being unmaintained.

We literally have several hundred threads we would consider converting to resources but don't want to start work on it if the addon quits working in the near future.
In my experience you only need it for initial thread to resource conversion, after that there's no need to keep it installed.

I don't know if it still works, but it's MIT licensed.
I'm no longer a developer, so if it breaks with XF 2.3, it won't do us much good and I can't fix it.

Most of our older threads need to be standardized and cleaned up before we convert them to Resources, so I was hoping to have an addon that would function well into the future.
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