
Well I've downloaded the 30-day trial version, which I'll install and have a play with tomorrow and post up a link here.

Sadly I am having no luck with the xF/WP bridge, so if this works I am going to grab a licence in the sale.
I'm having problems with the WP bridge too. This might be a good alternative.
I'll report back how easy it is to install as soon as I get it downloaded. Since its on sale, I don't mind gambling the $64.
Especially since Contentteller is running their own forum on Xenforo. You can't ask for better proof that it works than that.
My first impression was with ordering the software and that wasn't so great. For example, when I ordered my Xenforo license, I was downloading the software within minutes. I ordered the software over an hour agao, and I just got the email that my license will be emailed to me within 48 hours.
Its not a reflection on the software itself, but it does cause me to question ho timely support will be when it takes so long just to complete the purchase transaction.
On the other hand, I'm still kind of excited at the potential (listed below). If it can deliver on the ones in bold, most of my wish list will be satisfied.
I'm prepared for the fact that it might not have the same look as my forums initially. But for the functionality it promises, I'd be willing to hire someone to make a custom theme for one, the other or both, to give it a unified feel.
And since I'm a giver ;), I'd release them for free as a starting point for others to expand upon them.
Import data from other web applications. Import data from Esselbach Storyteller 1.x, Pligg, Wordpress, Subdreamer, vBulletin 4 CMS, and Virtuanews.

A module to add articles to your website. Add articles with multiple pages. Edit or append pages to your articles. Allow users to easily navigate over your articles using a drop down menu by giving each page a title.

A module to manage the blocks. Add a new block on the left, right, or middle section of your website. Create blocks with HTML, menu builder, or use existing scripts to show the latest pages or online users.

A module to integrate CompatDB into your website. CompatDB is a free compatibility database for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Users can search the database from your website and even contribute back.

A module to manage your news contacts. Submit your latest news stories to your affiliates and check who is linking back to your website.

A module to add static pages to your website. Add, edit, or remove pages. Add forms to the pages. Embed videos from youtube and other videos services to the page.

File Types
A module to manage all file types. Add new file types or edit existing ones. Change the upload size for attachments for both users and administrators.

A module to run file or download websites. Add the latest files to the database. Import and track updates using PAD (Portable Application Description). Add mirrors to each of your download.

Create a glossary for your users. Add new terms or edit existing terms in your glossary. This module will automatically sort all terms as an alphabetical list.

A module to import news to your website. Import news stories from Email accounts, RSS feeds, or newsgroups. Add specific words to the white or black list to import only news that are related to your website.

A module to add support pages to your website. Post questions and answers to your services. Allow users to rate or comment your solutions.

A module to create a links directory or a links page. Add an unlimited number of weblinks to your links page. Categorize links in categories and subcategories.

Mailing Lists
A module to allow users to sign up to a mailing list. Add mailing lists for all registered users or only for paid subscribers. Archive older newsletters or use the WYSIWYG editor to create a HTML newsletter.

Add block code, smilies, message icons, advertisements, automated tasks, or menu items to your website. Configure the forum integration or build a XML sitemap.

Manage the modules. Add new modules or remove existing ones. Regroup the modules in your admin section to fit better to your website. Reuse existing modules with the clone function.

A module to run a news website or a blog. Add new stories to your front page. Allow users to rate and comment your stories. Run a community site that allows users to post their own stories.

A module for stats. See how many pag eviews and RSS views your sites generate. The stats module tracks also search engine bots, referrers, RSS readers, and browsers.

Change the appearance of your websites. Create easily a custom style using the Instant Styles Editor. Change the column layout to different 2 or 3 column designs with a single mouse click.

Trouble Tickets
A module to allow registered users to open a trouble ticket with you. This is a great way to keep your support organized. Users can categorize their tickets and add a priority from 1 (low) to 5 (high) to it.

A module to manage users. Allow users to participate on your website. Automatically check the BotScout spam database for potential spammers. Support checks like question and answers and reCAPTCHA.
I noticed earlier they had XF running for the forum software on the Contenteller website but I was at work and I gotta watch my internet usage while there <-shame on me->

I am curious to hear others opinions as well once you guys get the trial or purchased software installed. I decided to go without wordpress for now on my one site and don't know if I will put a cms on it but this may give me the opportunity to migrate my vb4 site to XF which would make me extremely happy.
Anyone using this live yet?

I am just installing the trial version now, so once I've done that & had a bit of a play/hooked it up to xF, I'll post a link here - it may take a few hours as I haven't a clue what I am doing - lol :D

I am going to have to join their forum and play 20 questions.

I joined last night and expect to be posting some questions myself as the day goes on, so I'll see you over there. :)
I want to see REAL feedback on Contentteller + Xenforo. I'm interested to have a CMS fully integrated with Xenforo. Now i see that the unique real integration is with Contentteller. Now, i have the impression that CT is a old-style CMS (like PHP-Nuke)...but it's only a first impression. I like these features, but i want a feedback from DoctorWatsOn, and other CT-users...

If you have links of sites running Contenteller with xenforo integrated, please link...
Yes, I would like to know this as well. Please provide real world experience. I would hate to build my site on outdated software that doesn't work or soon to be abandoned. If it works seamlessly then I'll buy it! What was your experience with Content Teller like?
I want to see REAL feedback on Contentteller + Xenforo. I'm interested to have a CMS fully integrated with Xenforo. Now i see that the unique real integration is with Contentteller. Now, i have the impression that CT is a old-style CMS (like PHP-Nuke)...but it's only a first impression. I like these features, but i want a feedback from DoctorWatsOn, and other CT-users...

If you have links of sites running Contenteller with xenforo integrated, please link...

Sorry for the delay in replying, seriously busy IRL with work and a family member being very ill, although on the road to recovery, so I am about 6 weeks behind where I had hoped to be with my new site. :eek:

As a result I've done nothing much with CT recently, all I can do is confirm the integration works with XF and they are very quick with replies in their support forums. My test site is HERE now, if you want to take a look, but bear in mind (a) there's loads yet to do, (b) I want to get the content loaded & it functioning before worrying too much about design & a proper CT/XF style, and (c) I don't have clue what I am doing, my only pervious experience is running a fairly bog-standard vB install.

Fred Sherman knows far more about building websites and has made posts on other threads about how you can change almost everything within CT easily, if you know what you're doing. He was also well ahead of me in 'playing with it', so he's probably the one to ask.

You can download a trail version from their site to look in the back end and have a bit of a play with it.

Yes, I would like to know this as well. Please provide real world experience. I would hate to build my site on outdated software that doesn't work or soon to be abandoned. If it works seamlessly then I'll buy it! What was your experience with Content Teller like?

It works and I don't think it's going to be abandoned anytime soon, it's still being developed, version 2.10 was released last April and 2.18 just last week, which I am about to download & install tomorrow, as you can see HERE - it was first released in 2008 and prior to that it was Storyteller, so it's been around for years.

The fact they use XF for their own forums is reassuring, and you can use their Twitter integration with an integrated CT/XF install, although I haven't tried that yet.

Although there's always a risk with any software solution, look what happened with vB.
Thank you DoctorWatson...hope to see testimonials for live sites, for real-world cases/experiences with CT+Xenforo. I see in the CT forums that a few xenforo users bought a ct license...hoping to see their opinion about the product. :-)
In Contentteller is it possible to create custom fields, or templates for Articles - so I'm creating a form with different areas to fill in?

I saw I can enter a Link presumably with comment as well as Title + URL.
Also a News item.
Additionally to the standard Article I'd like to have additional types. One example would be Quotes with the Content text same as an ordinary Article but it has its Author, and Date, and my comment.
I am really excited to see this as this is one feature stopping me from going to xenforo. I love the cms feature this is suppose to do. I am waiting to see some updates though before i buy anything.
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